Cloth Diapering


My husband agreed to TRY CDing!  YAY!  I am planning on doing a trial, but I also wanted to put some on my registry.  I know that there's a good chance no one will buy them.....but SIL and a few friends just might. 

 Sooo....since I am going to do a trial and don't know what I like you have any suggestions?  I was thinking of putting some of the populars on there.  KLO, thirsties covers, bum genius, fuzzibunz, lil joeys, etc.  Do you think since I am doing a trial I should just register for 1 or 2 of each type of diaper?


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Re: registering

  • that should work!  We loved Lil joeys for the snap down cord, the BG XS, and the Bummis covers.  I would have loved to try some GroVia NB's.  I bought some second hand fitteds and really loved those, but its hard to register for the B4s (bububebe) but they are great!
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