I had my first internal today, had no clue they would even check me. I was 1/2 cm dilated. WTF...I was pissed...makes me wish they never even checked me and I could walk around pretending I was 3 cm still! She did stretch my cervix though, which she said put me at a 1.5 or maybe even a 2. Still seems so small though..I know, I know, it's absolutely no indication of anything! Don't flame me!
And for ladies wondering what it felt like, it didn't hurt, was just uncomfortable. Kinda made my face scrunch up in a "ooh this sucks" kind of way, but more pressure than pain.
Now panic mode sets in..7 days to go hurry up baby!
Re: First internal!
Ahhh soooo exciting
Atleast you are dialated--so look on the positive side!! Yay I hope your LO comes soon!!