I think it just hit me that we're going to have a baby soon. My doctor is starting my internals next week and today we had the eviction talk. Due to my diabetes I can go to 40 weeks and 2 days but that is it! She did mention that if my cervix was not favorable to labor we would try to push it off as long as possible to avoid a cesarean though which was comforting.
That's 3 weeks...holy crap...
Re: I think it just hit me
Ditto. I'm just a couple days off from you (also with GD). My doc said that she wouldn't let me go past my due date, but she doesn't think it will come to that... she thinks I'll be early. Good, since my blood sugars have been soooo difficult to control and baby is getting big.
I am encouraged by my Dr saying that she wants to avoid a c-section (and induction) if possible, too. Yay for good doctors!
I am just so pleased with my doctor. I was worried because I didn't do any OB interviews, just picked one and went with it. She's been great about the GD and reassuring me that a natural birth is still totally possible, and letting nature decide what happens while making sure the baby is healthy.
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