July 2011 Moms

not feeling 100%

Im not sure why but when i left my house this morning I felt like I couldn't breath. Then I kinda felt light headed. I ate breakfast and then i ate some fruit but I've been sitting down so i feel a little better. I have so much I need to do today. I have an appoitment tomorrow and everyone keeps telling me I should have my bags ready and a car seat. Tomorrow i was scheduled for my c-section but they cancled it.
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Re: not feeling 100%

  • ksulliksulli member
    Pretty sure nobody feels 100% at 39w pregnant. I do feel pretty human from about 2 hrs after I get up (once the carpel tunnelish fingers flush out) until abou 7pm when the swelling of the day returns. I think all those people are right on getting a hospital bag ready to go & the car seat installed though. Those are the last things I'd want to deal with once labor starts.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
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