"Sharon, are you going to be doing dark laundry today?"
*Me thinking "wtf, are your arms and legs broken, you know where the washer and dryer are and the detergents!!!!"
*DONE VENT, thank you for listening lol
10 days left until she leaves.
Re: MIL *VENT* continues...
huh. If SHE isn't the one doing laundry....why on earth is she there? Isn't that the trade off of annoying MILs coming to stay after baby comes? To help clean and cook?
You need to go over the rules with her.
j/k. I hope the 10 days go fast. Really, really fast.
What did you tell her? Please tell me you told her that you weren't, but that she was more than willing to get a load going. And then I hope you told her, very sweetly of course, that since you're so busy with a newborn, and DS#1, that you could really use her help with insert appropriate chore here. 10 days is still a long time to play maid for someone else who is supposed to be offering you a helping hand.
I would have loved to tell her that except she would have started balling her eyes out. I just told her I wasn't doing the dark laundry today... maybe I'll get to it in a week
*hugs* You are my hero. I would have probably said "Oh whenever you (mil) get around to doing it."
Yeah, I say that now, but I'm a total wuss when it comes to my mil. Thank goodness she won't be staying with us.
House / Baby blog
Seriously! You should not be toting around her laundry too!