I stand in front of the fridge and groan. All I manage to eat is fruit, yogurt, and honey nut cheerios. I have literally cried in the kitchen because "It's too hard." DH offers me choices and they all sound awful. I just hang my head. It's too dang hot to do anything but lie on the couch and eat watermelon.
Re: I can barely feed myself these days...
I had to leave my regular job pretty early in my pregnancy and for a few months I was very June Cleaver about having nice dinners on the table very night. I even had little menus planned. It was nice for everybody (I do like to cook).
A couple of weeks ago things shifted a bit. We had to make a trip out last night to get some last hospital bag / post labor essentials. DH's asked if he should just pick up a frozen pizza while we were there. Ahhh... he's catching on. The dinner train has stopped at the 3rd trimester fatigue station.
I'm pretty much living off of fruit, milk and Lean Cuisine frozen dinners. I'm totally going to make a real dinner tonight, but it might be the last one for a while.