He is just full of great advice lately (I posted on friday that he told me I should poop when I go into labor so I won't poop when I'm pushing) Today he told me that when the nesting urge kicks in, there are several chores that he noticed need to be done..... Uh, do them yourself??
He suggested I should clean the baseboards and wash all of the drapes (I had to let him know that most of the time you can't just throw those in the wash- dry clean only, feel free to pay for it yourself too.....) To be fair I have wanted to clean the baseboards for quite some time, but I can't see myself on my hands and knees huffing and puffing around the house having to get up and down a million times. I'll leave that for MIL to do when she comes to visit :P
Re: Nice try DH....
::Lurking from Aug. 11::
That made me lol!
WTF? "By the way, honey, when you get that crazy nesting instinct, I'd like you do some of the most difficult, backbreaking chores in the house . . . "
The poop thing just cracked me up before, but come on, someone's got to tell him that you going into labor is not going to become a convenience for him. He might have to see poop (gasp!) and clean those baseboards himself.
Bahaha! I think cleaning baseboards is the last thing I even want to think about doing right now.
I asked my H if he could take over vacuuming temporarily because picking things up along the way is too difficult for me now. He said sure. Yesterday he vacuumed but asked me to help move things as he went. Ummm honey, that was the whole reason I couldn't vacuum in the first place.
Agree with PP!
Is he being serious?! I can see my DH saying those things and joking about them, but he better know that if he says them he will be doing those chores himself!
I love that! I got my nephew to play a game of "how many pinecones can you pick up in the back yard" one time, but sadly he has decided that isn't a very fun game.
(Granted, I'm in the hospital until I deliver) The mood I'm currently in, if DH even had the nerve to say something like that to me (about the baseboards) I'd have promptly grabbed the bucket and rags and walked them over to him and told him he'd better get busy, since it was obviously bothering him! *trust me when I say, the baseboards wouldn't have gotten cleaned LOL*
I stare at my baseboards daily thinking about cleaning them...ugh...I am praying that my mom tackles them once LO is here and mom is bored. Either that, or I'm hiring Merry Maids to come in and do a Spring Cleaning.
As for your husband, hopefully he's like puppies and babies....really cute so you don't kill them when things go array.
Aw! It sounds like your DH is super helpful, like mine!