July 2011 Moms

Thank you note(s) for group gift

My firm just threw us a shower. About 25 people went in on a group gift, and they each signed one card. Then some other people gave us individual gifts. I wrote out separate thank yous to the individuals who gave us separate gifts, but I'm torn on the group gift. My inclination is to write out individual thank yous to each person who signed the card, but it also seems a bit like overkill. (Also, I've never even met some of the people who contributed, so filling out an entire TY note will be kind of rough.)

FWIW, I've noticed the way most people seem to handle this at my firm is by sending one big TY to the firm (they host the shower), and the firm posts the card in a main area where everyone will see it. But I still want to do the right thing...even though I feel like I've been writing TY cards for weeks now! ;) WWYD?

Re: Thank you note(s) for group gift

  • ksulliksulli member
    I had a similar shower/gift and wrote them to everybody. Well, I have 6 to go for people that I didn't work with as long and I'm less sure what to write, but I'll make myself do it tomorrow. I'm a total stickler for the etiquette rules though, so if there's an acceptable alternative in your office that's up to you. Just sharing how I handled it.
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  • If that is "protocol" at your firm I say write one card. I had a similar situation with a group at my work. I wrote one card and made a large batch of cookies for the workroom. People really appreciated it and I felt like I did the "right" thing.
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  • I'd do one note for each person. Even if some people just do 1 for everyone at your firm, I'd personally feel more comfortable giving everyone their own. Just my opinion.
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  • Miss Manners would want you to write individual cards. I had 12 people go in on a gift for me, and I wrote them all separate notes. I didn't know some of the ladies who contributed either, I just put the notes in their mail boxes. It's easy enough to write a generic message to the people you don't know. I got several presents at the shower in DHs hometown from women who weren't at the shower, I had never met, and DH didn't know who they were either.
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  • imagekateisgreat:
    Miss Manners would want you to write individual cards. I had 12 people go in on a gift for me, and I wrote them all separate notes. I didn't know some of the ladies who contributed either, I just put the notes in their mail boxes. It's easy enough to write a generic message to the people you don't know. I got several presents at the shower in DHs hometown from women who weren't at the shower, I had never met, and DH didn't know who they were either.

    I totally agree with this! I received several group gifts at work (about 15 people chipped in) and I wrote out separate thank yous. I just felt better about doing it that way. Once you get going, it won't take too long.

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  • Another vote for separate.  Most of my gifts at my work shower were group gift, and I wrote out thank yous to each person.  It does take a while, but they took their hard-earned money to get you a gift, so it's the least you can do.  Stick out tongue
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  • My firm just threw one for me last week.  I got a group gift as well as individual gifts.  I did TY's for all of them....it sucks.  But I got to cheat a little.  I have carpel tunnel and swelling so bad, I can't hand write anything of great lenght, so typed a note that I included in the TY card and just a short, Thank you so much, on the acutual card. 

    I had to do about 30, plus the TY's from the shower my friend threw me.  Our firm is just to large for a "group" thank you and it would never be posted and not everyone would get it.  So I did individual.  What they did was so nice for me, I couldn't resist thanking everyone. 

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