I honestly didn't think it would be that bad. When MIL comes to visit any other time we get a long and have fun. This time I am counting down the days and am ready to pull out my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Between my hormones trying to get back to normal, my lack of sleep with LO (most of that is my fault because I can't stop staring at him, lol) I cannot wait until she goes. All I want is some alone time with my new family and she has to go every where with us!!!! I'm also wedged in the back seat between 2 car seats, crawling over my DS #1 to get there and then I have to sit on my side in the car while she gets the front seat because she's unable to crawl into the back. There really isn't anything for her to do here because transitioning from 1 child to 2 has been a lot easier than I thought, so she walks around looking for stupid little projects to do. She doesn't understand anything DS #1 says even when it's clear as day, and then DS gets frustrated at her. She's also walking around wearing this stinky perfume or body lotion- whatever it is it stinks. She lets DS #1 get away with anything and then the other day she started crying when he was crying- I was like "are you f-ing kidding me right now?"
I know I am sounding like the biggest *** right now, but I had to vent to someone and I can't be this harsh venting to DH about his mom. She's here for another 10 days and I think I might break down in the middle of it!!!
Re: Having my MIL here with a newborn!! *VENT*
Thanks for the support ladies! I feel like I'm being such a ***- ugh, I could cry writing this right now because I'm so frustrated.
I've tried talking to DH and since he never sees his mom (she's a 5 hour flight away) he really wants his mom here- especially since my family gets to be a part of everything (they're a 10 minute drive away- but they don't smother us). I understand where he is coming from. But right now I just want to be left alone and with my family. I want to enjoy this time and not have to worry about entertaining.
There are so many more irritating things she does but I didn't want to seem like a total b*tch by writing them all out.
TEN more days???!!!! You are a saint! I get along well with my MIL, but any extra adult in my home for that long would drive me INSANE. Hang in there, sounds like you dont' really have any way out but to hurry up and wait! Sorry!
DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Yeah my in laws are coming, too. But, thankfully my FIL is awesome and he instructed us to call them after we get settled, so I can wait a couple of weeks. Plus, they'll be getting a hotel and have their own vehicle. I can handle that.
I get that she can't crawl across the back seat but I think it's terribly insensitive of the other two adults to expect you to do this.
I agree! Strong scents trigger migraines for me. Even if it doesn't for OP I'd pull the whole baby's sense of smell is very sensitive and ask her not to wear it in my house...
I used to think having visitors (like my mom or MIL) after having a baby at home wouldn't be bad. I've changed my tune. I think even the greatest MIL or mom would be hard to have when you are hardly sleeping and need to get used to life at home.
Hopefully she won't be there for long. GL!
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

I'm upset on your behalf! I can't imagine making someone who just gave birth climb into a backseat like that for any reason. I'm thinking if you guys need to go somewhere mil needs to stay home or you need to stay home (with the baby). You need to be able to relax and heal and that doesn't sound like it's happening.
House / Baby blog
Thank you ladies for being so supportive!!!!!! I am glad you're all on my side- I was afraid I was being crazy hormonal!!
I talked to DH about it, and he feels really bad for me right now but we can't send her home because she already changed her ticket to come out sooner since LO was 3 weeks early and it cost her quite A LOT. I'm just going to have to suck it up, but thank you for understanding!!!
Vent away! My mil was originally planning on staying with us for 2 weeks to help with the baby and sil finally put the kabosh on that. Mil is a wonderful, loving woman but her idea of helping would be to hold the baby while H or I cooked dinner for us/her, or cleaned the house, or ran errands. In my world that isn't exactly helping when I'll be hurting (assumably) and H will be exhausted. Luckily they only live an hour away so they're just going to get a hotel for a few days and come over for an hour at a time, then leave.
My boss told me when his wife was feeling overwhelmed she just took the baby, a book, and disappeared into the bedroom for a 5 hour stretch. It's amazing how babies can nurse for 5 hours when mom is needing some alone time
House / Baby blog