
Yay (sarcasm) for questionable comments & awkward conversations!

Do people think before talking?

Old lady: when is your baby due? (um, she knows i'm having twins...)

Me:  Babies, and they should be here in September

Old lady: So are they boy/girl, 2 boys, 2 girls?

Me: 2 more girls

Old lady: Well then I guess you'll just need to keep trying until you can get a boy then.

Me: Um, No. I'm thankful for my 3 girls, thank you very much: .

Old lady: (insert story about how her sister kept going until 6 kids to get her boy and I should too blah blah blah blah)

Me: That's nice. No. Good bye.

WTF is wrong with 3 GIRLS???????

I have friends that can't have ANY kids and would give their left arm to have 3 girls. Or 1 girl, it doesn't matter. It's just so annoying. These are my kids after all, why wouldn't I be anything but thankful, girls or boys?

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Re: Yay (sarcasm) for questionable comments & awkward conversations!

  • vlahopvlahop member

    I think there is nothing wrong with having 3 girls Smile

    Get used to it though... I still hear those comments!

  • how did you get used to it???

    I find myself getting more irritated by it. and more outspoken. i try not to be rude, but i blurt out things in response. thankfully what comes out isn't as bad as what I really want to say!



    I think there is nothing wrong with having 3 girls Smile

    Get used to it though... I still hear those comments!

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  • my girls aren't even here yet and I'm getting stuff like that.....After they hear it's 2 girls they are like "oh so when are you going to try again?" I'll bet if I were having b/g twins everyone would be like "oh so your family is complete!" Well I have news - even with 2 girls our family is (most likely) complete!
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    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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  • People are so rude and thoughtless. I think 3 girls (or 3 boys for that matter) is truly a blessing. I don't know people think a family is complete only when they have both sexes. It's such immature thinking.

    When we brought the girls home from the hospital, I was recording my DH carrying them from the van to the house. My neighbor came over to me to watch. While recording this, she said, "It's too bad you didn't have a boy and a girl, then you could have been done." WTF! Seriously, I'm recording this precious once in a lifetime moment and you ruin it with your ignorant comment that my girls will one day hear. I was LIVID!

  • It's amazing people think they can make these family planning decisions for you.  We have b/g twins, but we would have been done no matter what.  Children are such a gift, no matter what their genders and we went through so much to get the two we have.  Congratulations!
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  • Can you imagine how the ignorant woman's kids feel?  Ugh.  Little ones probably had to listen to mom on the phone with her friend whining about how she got ANOTHER girl. SMH
  • It would be the same way if it was 3 boys.  Its so annoying everyone keeps asking me when I will know what the twins are and are all "hoping" for a boy for me.  Im like ummm no thanks I'm fine with all girls if thats what God gives us.  Sooo annoying.  We are pretty sure there is a boy in there (we will get confirmation this week) but honestly its so annoying you don't have to have both sexes to be a successful family!

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

  • I hear the same thing because I have a son and I am expecting two boys.  I don't understand why people think that a woman can't possibly be happy with having three boys, like I need a girl to complete my family.  Or I'll hear "I bet your husband is thrilled".....yeah well so am I!!
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    how timely it is that a friend posted this on facebook.

    now I get why people feel entitled to pity my poor husband for having to suffer through 3 daughters and 0 sons. i really let DH down (or he let himself

    my newest goal is to come up with something pointed to say in response that will be so sweet and sharp that it will stop people who say anything negative about 3 girls in their tracks.

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  • i'm sorry it was an awkward situation.  i dont think people intend to be rude by these type of comments.  my uncle has seven boys (by three different women) and treats all of his nieces as if they are his daughters.  his wife was very proud of her sons (and nieces) and she never really seemed to take it took it to heart when she got the comments.  i guess it just depends on the person.  i'd say ignore them and dont think the worst b/c maybe they really didnt mean any offense to you. it's hard to know when others (especially strangers) are trying to be mean or if they just think they're making small talk.
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  • I do agree with you some of the time. I think some are making small talk or think they're funny ("oh 3 girls! wait till they're teenagers" or "wow lots of estrogen in your house").. those i fake-laugh off

    some cross the line when they push and push about the "poooor husband" b.s. and today was bad b/c she proceded to go on and on about me needing to have a boy after I said I was happy with 3 girls. she's sort of rude in general though. it's these situations that really get me riled up.


    i'm sorry it was an awkward situation.  i dont think people intend to be rude by these type of comments.  my uncle has seven boys (by three different women) and treats all of his nieces as if they are his daughters.  his wife was very proud of her sons (and nieces) and she never really seemed to take it took it to heart when she got the comments.  i guess it just depends on the person.  i'd say ignore them and dont think the worst b/c maybe they really didnt mean any offense to you. it's hard to know when others (especially strangers) are trying to be mean or if they just think they're making small talk.
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  • and you know, older folks are the best at pushing buttons like that!  sometimes they should just know when to stop. old folks will often feign ignorance.  being from the South where my family respects 'elders' to no end, stuff like this is hard for me too.
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  • I don't get that too often, but I just have to second the fact that 3 girls is great! :)
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  • People are idiots! I get asked all the time why I decided to have another baby when I had boy/girl twins for my first birth! I said because I wanted MORE! 
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  • imageKristen61607:
    my girls aren't even here yet and I'm getting stuff like that.....After they hear it's 2 girls they are like "oh so when are you going to try again?" I'll bet if I were having b/g twins everyone would be like "oh so your family is complete!" Well I have news - even with 2 girls our family is (most likely) complete!

    were on team green but oncemost here we are pregnant with two thy say well at least  you'll be done with it ... as if we should only have 2 kids.. or they say well hopefully you will have a boy and girl and then be done .... we are two moms so  no we may not be done ...

    so aggravating 


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  • what is team green?



    were on team green but oncemost here we are pregnant with two thy say well at least  you'll be done with it ... as if we should only have 2 kids.. or they say well hopefully you will have a boy and girl and then be done .... we are two moms so  no we may not be done ...

    so aggravating 


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  • imageklr210:

    what is team green?



    were on team green but oncemost here we are pregnant with two thy say well at least  you'll be done with it ... as if we should only have 2 kids.. or they say well hopefully you will have a boy and girl and then be done .... we are two moms so  no we may not be done ...

    so aggravating 



    Team Green means you are not finding out the gender of the babies until they are born! 

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  • Nothing is wrong with 3 girls!  I think some old folks and certain cultures have an old sexist attitude.  I was secretly hoping I was having girls.  My dad has two daughters and now soon to have 3 grandsons!  My mom is like okay... someone needs to have a girl next - of course we are all thrilled either way.
  • That's annoying. I get that occasionally even just with two boys. I think it's fine just to say, "We're really thankful for each of our kids; we love our girls" and change the subject.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • People ask me all the time what combination I "want." I just say, "we will just be happy if they are healthy" and they always look a bit confused, and say, "boy/girl would be nice, then you'd be done." Some people just drop it at "healthy" but some people do like to push. I just don't say anything, and the silence gets awkward.

    Other people give me "advice" on which sex to "get" - someone told me in the bathroom at work the other day that boys are easier, so I should hope for those. I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant - they are what they are, regardless of whether I know about it or not.

    It's the comments you guys are all posting about that make me want to not tell people what the sexes are when we do find out. No one will put up with that in my family (my sister is already guilting me, telling me that she needs to know what baby clothes to send to me, since she really doesn't want to give them to people where she lives), so it's just a day dream. I think I'd like to keep it between myself and my husband for a few days, but I suspect it'll end up being a few hours (he won't be able to contain himself - and quite possibly, I won't either).

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