July 2011 Moms

My little Gavin's birth story,

Im doing this in a hurry as LO is so demanding some milk lol!!

On Tuesday June 21, I felt really good that day and hadnt had a single pain all day.  I had went to the doctor the previous day to find out there had been no change over a week and I was still @ 4cm 80% effaced.  I came home and just wrote it off I'd make it to my next docs appointment on June 27 or my EDD.  Well my husband came in about 430 from work and I was cleaning.  I got all that done and then got DD ready for VBS.  My MIL came over to get DD then DH and I went to Subway for carry out bc I didnt feel like cooking.  On the way home i got to feeling like I had to pee REALLY bad.  I got home put my sandwich down and went to the bathroom.  I did my business but when I got up i felt a trickle.  I thought my bladder must not be empty so i sat back down.  Then I got back up and when i went to pull my pants up my water broke full force!!  This was about 7:30pm.  I yell 2 my husband that i need towels as my water just broke.  He instantly starts freaking out lol.  He is a nervous wreck and of course im laughing @ this point @ time and the fact that having your water break is the oddest feeling. So I get changed and get the bags and we head to the hospital.  We arrive @ around 8:15pm.  They instantly admit me as they can see wo a doubt my water has broken.  The nurse comes in and im 5 cm 90% effaced.  They do all they have to do such as my IV and go over papers with me.  The doctor decides to give me pitocin bc @ that point im not in any pain nor am I having regular contractions.  I get my drip started @ around 11:15pm.  By 11:45pm I was getting the epidural bc my contractions had already started coming hard back to back.  After that was done it took a min. for it to become effective.  I couldnt feel any contractions just pressure.  My nurse checks me @ like 12:20 and I am 8 cm 100% effaced.  It wasnt 10 mins later i tell her I feel pressure and I think im completely dilated and ready 2 push.  Sure enough I was right!!  I start pushing @ around 12:40am.  I pushed for about an hr and Gavin Neal was born @ 1:45 am weighing 7lbs 6.1oz and 21 1/4in long!! My epidural wasnt real strong so i felt pretty much everything w the edge knocked off the pain.  I didnt receive any tears therefore didnt have to have any stitches.  

Gavin was born with some problems that were not detected on my ultrasounds.  When he was born the nurse noticed a round place sticking out of his side when he would cry.  After x-ray they determined that Gavin was born missing 5 ribs that connect to his lower spine.  He also has a mild touch of scoliosis. They said it wouldnt affect his development such as walking or crawling.  They said that side will just be a little weaker than his "normal" side.  They done an ultrasound to check his organs as in a lot of cases they also have heart defects or organ deformities.   Thankfully Gavin has none!! Everything else is normal.  To look @ him you cant tell it until he cries then that weak muscle sticks out where he is missing the ribs.  We go for his 1 week check up Monday and get things in line to see the genetic specialist for evaluation on his condition.  So every1 plz T&Ps for my son.

He is doing wonderful @ home.  We came home yesterday.  He eats like a champ.  He only wakes up 1 time a night to eat so he basically sleeps all night long!!!  My DD is not the least bit jealous and loves him to pieces!  I feel wonderful.  Still just a little sore but dont feel like ive had a baby only 3 days ago!!  Hope every1 else has as easy of a labor, delivery, and recovery as I did.  

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