July 2011 Moms

A work WWYD?

Ok, so due to an infection which is now being treated by antibiotics, I have been having irregular/regular contractions on and off since Wed night at 11pm. Went in to get checked at my regular appt on Thursday (when they found the infection) and was told that in 24 hours the contractions should subside - not so much, but not so regular that I am "in labor" either. But had to call in on Friday and today to work, next scheduled day is tomorrow (Sunday).

So here is the question - Knowing you had no more than 2 weeks left until baby (medical reasons) would you play it by ear and go in/call in shift to shift pretty much just resting in bed in between or would you just tell work, "you know I am just physically done being able to handle 12+ hour shifts on my feet" and live normally until baby comes? WWYD?

Assuming money not an issue. 

Re: A work WWYD?

  • assuming money is NOT an issue - I would take off. 12 hours days on your feet are very tough with an infection, let alone an infection while pregnant that cuases contracting


  • Are you going back to this job after LO is born? If it were me, I'd go in as scheduled, unless doing so posed some risk to the baby. You could always leave if you start having contractions. But I think trying to honor the shift would show your employer that you still take your job seriously. (Not saying you don't, but let's face it - even the bosses who are nice about their employees being pregnant usually don't love the inconvenience it causes them).

    On the other hand, I wouldn't do anything that is risky to your baby. So if you feel like continuing to try to work would do that, I would tell them you need to stop working now. (Like you said, assuming $$ isn't an issue.) I admit, I have a desk job and although I'm mentally checked out, it's not really taxing physically. So I can only imagine how draining being on your feet for that long would be. 

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  • imagesallydraper:

    Are you going back to this job after LO is born? If it were me, I'd go in as scheduled, unless doing so posed some risk to the baby. You could always leave if you start having contractions. But I think trying to honor the shift would show your employer that you still take your job seriously. (Not saying you don't, but let's face it - even the bosses who are nice about their employees being pregnant usually don't love the inconvenience it causes them).

    On the other hand, I wouldn't do anything that is risky to your baby. So if you feel like continuing to try to work would do that, I would tell them you need to stop working now. (Like you said, assuming $$ isn't an issue.) I admit, I have a desk job and although I'm mentally checked out, it's not really taxing physically. So I can only imagine how draining being on your feet for that long would be. 


    I would also go in, if you are feeling up to it, and maybe talk with your boss.  Let them know what is going on and see if maybe you can work something out where you could take breaks often.  Not sure what your job is, but you need to do what's best for you and your baby as well.  So like the above posters said if money isn't an issue and your boss doesn't care, and it won't affect your maternity leave, I would rest.  I have a desk job too and only work 7 hour days, so I couldn't imagine being on my feet for 12 hours at a time.  I would think you haven't been the first pregnant woman to work there though, and I'm sure if they really want you there they will work with you and being able to rest on your shift.

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  • If you can handle working, I would do it, but I would see if they would let me cut my hours. Thats what I've done at work... I work 10 hr days, and I'm cutting them back to 7 hours as long as I can handle it. But all I do is work and rest. ...(my family has been coming over on the weekends to help clean my house..)-other than this I dont do anything anymore.
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