Went for my 36 week appt and was checked and was told i'm 2 cm dilated however posterior. I'm not quite sure what that meant. I've been informed however she expects my baby within the next two weeks and the head is really low. I must admit i've been really achey in the pelvic region and sometimes can't even walk. Can anyone clearly explain what exactly is going on here?
Re: 2 cm posterior???
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I'm a fingertip, 50% effaced, -3 station, and Anterior cervix.... Aparently during Pregnancy, the Cervix points Posterior (towards your back) and in early labor, it moves Anterior (towards the opening of the vagina) to allow for easier dilation and effacement and the baby engagement into the birth canal.
- atleast that's the way my OB explained it to me anyway...
me too!
This is exactly right.