July 2011 Moms

Sister drama settled

I am so shocked right now. 

Little sister actually came to me tonight and said she had just gotten off the phone with her future roommate and that she would be going over to finalize a lease on Sunday.  I didn't even have to utter a word. 

I thought my head was gonna fall off my shoulders!  I was prepared for this weekend to be tough and psyching myself up to actually have to give her the boot.  I know I have talked tough but it has been extremely difficult for me to see her struggle and watch bad decision after bad decision.

Of course, there are 'issues' since she left this until the very last minute.  The move will not occur until next Saturday and we will not have my parents truck (or their help) to do it since they leave on Tuesday.  She asked if we could use my SUV and take most of her stuff in two trips.  She also asked me to take her to IKEA to buy some bed or futon thingy.  I of course reminded her that I am not in any condition to move stuff but I would be willing to transport things.  So, I agreed to help her get settled next Saturday. 

The biggest surprise...she offered to come back here and help me paint since she waited so late and is relying on me to move her!  I hope (fixing the nursery) can be a time that we try to repair the damage that has been done to our relationship over this past year.  It will be nice to share my excitement with her about baby coming and other good things in my life rather than the focus being constantly on her and her issues.  It has been tough.  Thanks so much ladies for hearing my rants...

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Re: Sister drama settled

  • ksulliksulli member
    That's GREAT!! Unfortunate that the timing is a tad off, but great that it's finally worked out. I really hope that time turns into a good thing for you two, and that she's helpful to have in town when LO arrives.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • First of all- your dogs are really stinking cute.  I'm glad your sister decided to be a grown up, even if it is a little late. 
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  • imagekateisgreat:
    First of all- your dogs are really stinking cute.  I'm glad your sister decided to be a grown up, even if it is a little late. 

    As are yours!  I think I commented on your puppy once before but it must have come late to a post - I am not sure you saw it.


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  • I'm glad that she's leaving on a more positive note instead of you having to be forceful. I hope you are able to start rebuilding the relationship and like pp said, hopefully she'll be good to have in town after LO comes Smile
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  • That's good news.  I hope you two have fun painting the nursery and can put this behind you.  Focus on the exciting time ahead!
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  • I am glad to hear it all worked out for you!! Better late than never! Don't you have a baby shower today? Have fun!
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  • I'm so glad that it didn't end up being a huge drama for you this weekend. Yes, her mistiming is pretty crappy, but at least she acknowledged it. I really hope that painting and prepping the nursery ends up being the first step in the right direction for fixing any resentments and hurts in your relationship with your sis! :)
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  • I'm so glad she has taken the initiative to do this on her own.  YAY!  It was also great of her to offer to help paint the nursery, hopefully this can be the first step in repairing your guys' relationship.   Now go enjoy your baby shower! :)
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  • Thank you all for listening and caring Smile
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