Here are four things I've waited until the last minute on:
I haven't changed my name from my maiden to my married name.
I've been too busy to accept the job offer by my client, hopefully I get hired before she comes because I will get paid leave.
We haven't selected a pediatrician.
We haven't packed our bag because I can't find the bag I want to use.
Now, you go, what have you waited until the last minute on with this pregnancy?
PS - I'm bored and tired but not sleepy so please play my game!
Re: nothing like waiting until the last minute...
We still haven't begun to look for a pediatrician.
We have chosen a daycare--but they don't know it yet. We still have not held our place or put down a deposit.
I have yet to get my maternity-leave paperwork going.
Thanks for playing! BTW - I've been meaning to tell you, I love your upper-left signature picture... gorgeous!
Oh! So sweet! Thank you!
We only started getting the baby's room ready last weekend. Painting is done, crib is still in the box. Hopefully everything will be done next week.
I have not packed my hospital bag
I have not installed the carseat
I don't have even one diaper in my house. Hoping to go out on Sunday and do some baby shopping. I really have none of the little stuff I need.
I just realized today that I only have about 3 weeks left. It kind of snuck up on me,
Totally haven't installed the carseat.
Most embarrassingly, I'm in the middle of my Bradley labor book and just don't feel like finishing it. I'm tired of some crotchety old doctor telling me how epidural babies are drugged and how moms who are drugged or have their babies taken away for medical interventions have trouble bonding. It's all scare tactics! Plus I feel like I need to be okay with whatever ends up happening during my VBAC, and he just makes me want to be bitter. Sorry, that was unrelated. Vent over!
Long story short, I need to practice pain mgmt for L&D.
Mine's more of a list of things that won't get done, because I'm on Hosp. BR until I give birth....
1. I didn't get a chance to take my BF-ing class...I guess I'm just going to wing it with the help of the Lac. Consultant...
2. I didn't take a birthing class...I guess I'll just be winging that one too.....
Guess I'm not very prepaired to actually do this...Luckily DH is still at home so he's getting the house cleaned and finishing putting together the nursery for me! I'm nervous about how it will turn out, but I have faith in him!
We haven't chosen a name or really even made a list that we agree on.
We haven't even begun to figure out daycare.
We haven't practiced the lamaze breathing, etc... that we learned.
We haven't done our tour of the maternity ward.
I still need:
Install the carseat
Find out if I even have a choice of pedi (Military health care, gotta love it).
Find a glider for the nursery (there is no place to sit in there right now)
Finish packing my hospital bag. I've been putting it off because I still need a lot of that stuff.
Get the last minute stuff with my target and amazon completion coupons.
My EDD is 3 weeks from tomorrow....
1. We are still building a house to live in. We will most likely be moving a couple of days before my due date (if we're lucky)....and I've also packed NOTHING for the move or gotten anything ready for the move.
2. Because of number 1, I have nothing ready for baby. Everything is in boxes/giftbags at my mom and dad's or MIL and FIL's.
3. I don't have my bag packed.
4. The carseat is in a box at MIL's house.
1. Hospital bag is not packed.
2. No bassinet or place for LO to sleep when she comes home.
3. Car seat not installed.
Oh yeah, and our c/s is one week from today.
Still haven't packed the bag- that's IT.
I can't believe I actually got everything else done. Now I just have to sit around and wait for LO to decide to come. *squee*
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
I haven't packed my bag, bought any postpartum supplies, washed a single thing, gotten any "gear" out, or bought a single much still haven't done anything. My husband was just nagging me about this about 15 minutes ago... Whoops! :P
ETA: And...we still are nowhere near having a name!
1. Haven't packed a bag, or bought anything to put in said bag yet.
2. Haven't bought sheets for her bassinet yet.
3. Carseat is still up at SO's mom's house, which is 2.5 hours away
4. Haven't thought more than once (when I got it in the mail) about using the target completion coupon
And I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday. YIKES. This whole nesting thing can kick in anyday now!
Not installed the car seat yet and got another base for DH's car or mine (whoever gets the base we have)
Called back a lady who responded to my resume to set up a phone interview to a job I know I could nail.
Set up the crib
It makes me feel so much better to know that other ladies are behind also. I've been trying to work as much as I can on getting things ready but I'm so tired and have a two year old to chase around. Every time the house is cleaned it is messed up again I swear in like five minutes. I called my mom today and requested strongly that she come and help me get organized. I just want it all to be ready so I don't have to worry after the baby is born. I feel like it's different this time because last time everything was new and I unpacked it and put it in the room. This time I have to hunt it down, clean it, and then organize it. PIA Anyway, I have about two weeks or less left due to having rcs, gotta get going.
1. Carseat not installed
2. Room not painted until this weekend so therefore not close to being ready
3. Bottles, breast pump, pacifiers not found or washed
4. Bag not packed or even thought about yet. And tons more I'm sure
You've nearly described our life... Our house is under construction and was supposed to be completed by now.
It's likely we'll be living with my parents for the first week or two of Lucy's life. Not. at. all. what we had wanted but I'm working on being thankful that we have a plan B and remembering that the healthy delivery of our little girl is what matters most in the scheme of things. It won't affect her that mom & dad didn't get to bring her up the front stairs to their own house-I just have to let go of the perfect homecoming I had pictured...I'm rambling.
But hey, we have our hospital bag pack and carseat installed! So woot woot.
It took me a year to finally get around to changing my name with social security. I just kept dreading it and dreading it. Then one day I printed the paper off the Internet and visited the SS office a few weeks later and it took like 2 seconds. I could hardly believe it.
I have yet to: install the carseat (although it is IN the car, but not installed). Make sure I have a pediatrician; my doctor is a Family doctor and for some reason I haven't asked her if she'll be the pediatrician too. And I keep putting off buying some Pack n' Play sheets from Amazon, but that's no big deal. I guess that's it!
-Install car seat.
-Find and inspect pump to see if we need to replace any parts
-Sanitize bathroom (we have a big spa tub and shower where I plan to labor and maybe deliver)
That's all I can think of right now.
Well i am worse. I barely changed my last name to my husbands like two weeks ago and I've been married for 3 years. We haven't bought our car seat yet, well actually we haven't bought anything. My husband wanted to wait till i was 8 months and ive been 8 months for quite awhile im almost 9. He's a big worrier. But were finally getting to everything already. Im happy that at least we have our baby girls name picked out. Told you im far worse.
we have not installed carseat yet
I have hospital bag out but only have underwear, pads and socks in it right now..
DH can install the car seat when I am in the hospital. He will be back and forth a lot because of our 4 year old and I am having a c-section so that gives him 4 days to get stuff ready. All I really need to do is pack the hospital bag, get the car cleaned, get the dogs groomed, and fold a few more clothes.
The crib is in a box but she will be sleeping in a co sleeper in our room so I am not going to worry about it now!
1. we just moved into a new house, furniture is in but we still have boxes to go through, and frames to hang.
2. the nursery is almost done, but not really finished or "clean". still have clothes and diapers everywhere
3. DH will be interviewing for a new teaching job in the new county... sometime. they haven't even started to post new jobs yet. (he still has a job in the county over but its an hour long drive... hoping for a closer one)
4. no bag is packed yet
5. no pediatrician yet
omg this baby is coming in 5 weeks