I am so thankful that my MIL wants to have a shower for us and I really am excited for it but I am SOOOOO tired. Every mid afternoon I feel like I have run a marathon, but I have not done much. Im grumpy cause I feel this way and when I get grumpy I really dont wanna be around people. (vent over)
Ok I can suck it up for one day! Even if I have to put a fake smile on, I CAN DO IT!!
Anyone else have something you dont really wanna do this weekend?
Re: I don't want to! How bout you? (kinda a vent)
I feel exactly the same as you as far as fatigue. I'm having a small sprinkle at church on Sunday, but it's going to be low key so I think I can handle it.
But, I remember feeling that way last time b/c two of my showers were way late. I always wondered why people throw showers so late for that reason. It makes it hard on the mom to be when she's so exhausted and uncomfortable.