Not too long ago, I posted about the pain I've been experiencing in my fingers & I got a lot of great responses. It seems to be getting increasingly worse. I mentioned it to my Dr. yesterday and she said it was common to get pregnancy induced carpal tunnel and aside from trying wrist braces, you kinda just have to deal with it. But, I figured I'd ask you there any other ways that you've found to relieve the pain?? TIA!
Re: Relief for Carpal Tunnel...?
Not that you can do this on a totally regular basis, but putting your hands in ice water is heavenly.
Nope. This has been going on for 7 months, just getting increasingly worse (and those braces don't help).
It has been unbearable this glad to get her out next week. My fingers and hands hurt so bad and are the size of sausages. Wish I could pick up a drink and not drop it. Or pick up anything and not drop it. Or text on my phone. Typing on the computer is about all I can do...and not super well.
I'm right there with you (and everyone else).
For what it's worth ... I've halted any kind of activity that aggravates my wrist. Cutting my steak at dinner or cutting a watermelon, I let DH do all that stuff. That has helped a little bit.
I noticed that it's alot worse when I've eaten a lot of salt or had a big meal (our Father's Day celebration). Drinking lots of water, exercising when i can, and resting it has helped. I think that is gets worse when you are swelling or retaining water, so maybe why these things have helped. I know it can vary per person.
I too am wearing the braces at night.My dr. had no solution except to get shots of cortison (?) directly in the wrists if you're non-functional at all. Hang in there!