This might be a little TMI, but what part of late pregnancy isn't?
So, the first great thing was during my shower last night. I looked down and noticed I was leaking full-on colostrum. My milk never came in with Lizzie, so this was a good sign for me.
After my shower, I crawled back into the hospital bed. When my nurse brought me my night meds, she saw I was reading The Nursing Mother's Companion. We got to talking and I asked about the hospital's procedures for mothers who want to breastfeed but will be having a rcs. She said the only reason Rylee would have a bottle is if her blood sugar is low or it takes more than 2 hours for me to recover to the point that BF is okay medically. She went on to say, even if that happens I shouldn't worry about if having a bottle will ruin BF. She told me her son was bottle fed for 5 weeks in NICU and then she took him home and EBF for a year.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm done with 2 of my medications: potassium and the antibiotic for UTI, which leaves me only having to take iron and a prenatal.
Finally, when my morning nurse came in, I recognized her from my hospital stay with Lizzie. She came over and gave me the biggest hug and it actually made me happy about being in the hospital today.
Now I'm just waiting on my Dr. to make her rounds with the results from my last blood draw. They're checking my bile salts for possible chlorestatis. If they are too high, my rcs would possibly be moved again, maybe even to as soon as Monday.
We'll see!
If my RCS isn't moved, tomorrow is my half-way point for HBR until Rylee's here. So far, 9 days down; 11 to go!
Re: The past 12 hours have been my best in months!