A friend mentioned there was a consignment store that carried some CDs, new and used. I figured it was worth a looksie - so this week DH and I ventured into the store. It's called Sugar Snap and it's a teeny store but it's got TONS of CDs!! They had thirsties Duo Fab Fitteds and Covers, RnG detergent (YAY), thirsties accessories, lots of different kinds of inserts, some WAHM type fitteds in some cute prints, pockets, BottomBumpers, TotsBots and a few others, and then they had tons of used covers and stuff!! I resisted the urge to buy (mainly because I didn't know what a lot of them were) - but it's SOO nice to know they are there.
Apparently they also have a CD mom meet up every Saturday from 10a-2p I know where I'll be one of these Saturdays!
Re: Just discovered a B&M CD store just up from where I work!!
OMG! Where have you been
That is awesome. My closest one is in Baltimore which is like 1.5 hours away.