July 2011 Moms

shower picture situation-vent

Ok, so I love my MIL and she has wonderful intentions, but this picture fiasco is almost comical. If I didn't want to create an album from the pictures, I wouldn't be this upset. So my MIL bought these disposable cameras to put on the tables for people to take pictures with. Well, only two were completely used, so I went to go develop those. I went to three different drugstores before I was able to find one that would A) develop them the same day and not send out for a week and B) had a working film developer. (I wasn't surprised by this being that it is 2011 and who uses disposable cameras??) Anyways, I asked the guy at Walgreens, how much would it cost to make cds from these cameras and he replied about 8.00, so I said ok. A few hours later, I return and a different guy rang me up for 17.00, basically the other guy forgot to mention processing and they refused to budge on the price after I complained. So then I go to print them out because I only wanted prints of ones that actually came out and I wanted to print some pregnancy pics from a flashdrive that I took digitally. Well the guy was like "sorry, our printer is down." SO then I went to a FOURTH drugstore (CVS), I open up the cd files to print pictures and they are all not only dark and blurry, but have this cheesy border with WEDDING phrases (the cameras were decorated in a baby shower theme). I was able to crop and fix ONE photo out of the 48 on both cds. Now I have one photo, that is still a little too dark to use. I emailed some close friends and relatives to see if anyone can send some pics, so we'll see if I can scrounge up a few. It is just disappointing to have no pictures from a very special day.
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Re: shower picture situation-vent

  • I am putting together a website for a local bed and breakfast. I met with the guy to go over final changes today and was told that we needed more photos of the house. He's on a tight budget, so I didn't even mention shooting more photos myself, especially since the additional photos are of things that I could not have gotten pictures of originally (like flower beds that didn't exist yet). I just told him that he could email me any photos that he needed to add to the site and I'd be happy to take care of it.

    So he tells me that he'll need to pick up a disposable camera and get Walmart to make him a CD. I can pick up the CD next week.

    I'm just sitting there thinking disposable camera? And physically pick up pictures that are already in electronic format? Sigh.

    BTW - if you want to try to save a couple more pictures, you can try Pixlr (online photo editor) I use it when I'm in a pinch and using a computer that doesn't have a good image editor available. It's actually pretty nice for what it is.

  • What a fiasco. By the way, Target Photo is really good with photos from film. (I used to work there) Depending on how many orders they have, they can usually put your order through in the same day and they go through each roll of film and correct the photos before printing them. ;)
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  • imagecolorschemer:

    I am putting together a website for a local bed and breakfast. I met with the guy to go over final changes today and was told that we needed more photos of the house. He's on a tight budget, so I didn't even mention shooting more photos myself, especially since the additional photos are of things that I could not have gotten pictures of originally (like flower beds that didn't exist yet). I just told him that he could email me any photos that he needed to add to the site and I'd be happy to take care of it.

    So he tells me that he'll need to pick up a disposable camera and get Walmart to make him a CD. I can pick up the CD next week.

    I'm just sitting there thinking disposable camera? And physically pick up pictures that are already in electronic format? Sigh.

    BTW - if you want to try to save a couple more pictures, you can try Pixlr (online photo editor) I use it when I'm in a pinch and using a computer that doesn't have a good image editor available. It's actually pretty nice for what it is.

    yeah, I have a Macbook, so super editing software, and even still I got one viable picture from the bunch. I had my BFF send me a few, but of those only one is usable based on bad angles etc. My mother's came out really blurry and I got one. The place I guess had bad lighting, and no one must have been good at taking pictures or using a flash! 

    Shower Pictures as of now = 3 marginally ok

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  • What a nightmare! It sounds like the cameras were where the problem happened, but I guess with disposables using film you can't ask for much. Still, seems like you could expect them not to come out with wedding crap on them! I would call the camera company to complain about the quality. But also, the developers can do things to help with those issues. If you still have the negatives, it might be worth hitting up an actual camera place and seeing if you can find someone with a little more skill. Obviously the drugstore bozos only know how to run the machine and overcharge you for whatever the heck it puts out.
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  • Can you upload them to a website like Snapfish or Shutterfly?  You'd be able to crop them and probably lighten them significantly. 
    Mama of 2: one who grew in my womb, both who grow in my heart.
  • Ok, so good news. I went back to Walgreens today and they fully refunded me for the pictures. They are still not good quality, but at least I didn't have to pay for them. I was able to get 4 pictures from some friends and relatives, so it is better than nothing I guess.
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  • that is so disappointing! i dont have any pics from my big shower, either. i asked my friend to take some shots for me and they are all awful and unflattering. my husband is convinced she is a "frenemy" that did it on purpose out of jealousy, lol. either way, i dont have any pictures. sadness!
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