July 2011 Moms

are you planning on getting an epidural?

So I've been reading these birth stories for the past month or so on the June board.  And I'm surprised at how many people say they "didn't want the epidural" or "Planned not to have but ended up getting it". 

Guess my question is, do you plan on getting an epidural? If not, why? 

I am 100% getting one, no questions asked!  Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to have one? 

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Re: are you planning on getting an epidural?

  • Yes. Unless something happens and I can't.  Or unless it's "not that bad" and I feel like a super hero and decide I don't need it. 

    I'm at 4 cm. now and I'm nervous that once I'm actually IN labor that I'll be to far dilated that it's too late for an epi. Tongue Tied


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  • No, we're doing a HB.  Regardless though, same with DS#1, we want no meds and little/no medical intervention
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  • HeII yeah I'm having one! Big Smile
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  • I'm not going into this thinking I WILL or I WON'T.  I really feel like this is something I need to figure out as I go along.  I will say, I will be the first woman in my family and DH's family to get an epidural if I go that route. 

    So that makes me really want to try to go without!  But like I said..I'm not totally against getting one either.  I'll let you know what I decided in late July!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I plan on getting one.  Maybe some people are concerned about the risks or side effects. I've also heard that it may slow down the progression of your labor. 
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  • I'm almost definitely getting one, but I educated myself about both sides of the issue and learned techniques for relaxation, just in case.  I live in Philly, and for a city of our size, we have few hospitals that actually deliver babies.  I wanted to have an alternative in mind in case the anesthesiologist can't get to me.  I figure the more flexible I am going in, the smoother things will go.  

    That all being said, I really plan on avoiding Pitocin.  I'll do it if Elliott is in trouble, but I plan on avoiding it otherwise.  My OBGYN is really in line with my ideas about birth, so I will have plenty of support (a number of the members of the practice are actually midwives).   

  • imagemelissa.1985:
    HeII yeah I'm having one! Big Smile


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I definitely plan on getting one.

    We learned in our childbirth class that 90% of the women around here (NE Ohio) get epidurals.  In "crunchier" areas like CA, it's closer to 50%.  I thought that was interesting.

    PhotobucketLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I have no birth plan. I feel like having a birth plan would stress me out. Things always change or come up. I trust the health professionals.  That said I will probably end up getting an epidural. I may feel different about things with our 2nd, who knows! but then I will know more about the process and feel more comfortable I think
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 100% yes, I went all natural last time and never want to experience that again!
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  • I really, really don't want one.  But for a very specific reason.

    I have scoliosis and was told by my OB that I would need to have a consult with the anesthesiologist during 3rd tri to evaluate my ability to get an epidural.  I had the consult about 3 weeks ago and it wasn't great.  She took one look at my back and said, "Oooooh...well this isn't going to be easy."  Apparently not only are my vertebrae curved, but they are also rotated, making it very difficult for them to determine the correct location of my spinal column.  She ultimately said that she would be able to place one, but it probably would take a while (read: would need to get poked several times) and she can't guarantee full numbness.

    Uh, thanks but no thanks.  Bring on the Lamaze breathing.

    Luckily she did say that a spinal (which is usually used for c/s) would be easier to place, so at least if I end up in c/s territory I will be less worried.

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  • Most def!
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  • nope, not getting an epi and i'm avoiding all interventions as long as there is no true medical need.

    i did my research and decided the risks of the drugs did not outweigh the benefits. An epidural will often times slow down labor's progression. once you are told the words "failure to progress" the snowball begins. I want to avoid a C section, and so for me the best way to avoid one is by not starting the chain of events that can lead to one. Additionally recovery can be must faster and easier without an epidural. you can walk right away, stand on your own, shower if you like, and most importantly you can go home sooner! i'd love to be home 8 to 10 hours after baby is born. you can't do that if you have an epidural.

    plus, i dont like the idea of my baby being born on drugs. a "sleepy baby" is not just sleepy. he's high. i'm not a fan of that.

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  • No.

    We are planning a natural birth as we feel it is the safest and best option for us. 

  • Definitely getting an epidural. I have BH now that are getting extremely painful...I can't imagine what real contractions will feel like. It may sound kind of weird but I really want to enjoy this experience and not be screaming in pain and lashing out at my DH. Another thing is that I will most likely be induced early next week (BP getting higher and higher) and I've heard those pitocin contractions are unbearable without some sort of pain management. As far as reasons for not getting the epi...I think in some cases it really slows down labor. I'm willing to risk it!!!
  • Getting it, but can't until 5 cm at my hospital.
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  • Oh he'll yes. It's fantastic and I see no need to be in more pain than necessary. Plus DH is an anesthesiologist so I have to support that :)
  • I had DD1 with no epidural, and it was thee worse pain, I've ever felt!!!! absolutely yes
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  • Unless labor is insanely easy (HA!) I will be getting one. The nurse who teaches our childbirth class cleared up my two fears: 1) there is ZERO chance of being paralyzed b/c the needle placement is in a totally different area than the area that would cause permanent paralysis and 2) the epidural does NOT affect the baby, unlike other drugs used during labor. It is never passed through the placenta so no effect on the baby. 



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  • I am very much planning on not having an epidural, but have come to terms with the fact that anything is possible. I know that labor is way beyond any pain I've ever felt, but it is at least somewhat predictable and taking place under the supervision of medical professionals. 

    My reasons for strongly preferring a epi-less birth (I don't like the term natural birth btw because it sounds so judgey, like anything else is unnatural and I think that there's enough of that cr@p in the air already) include

    1. being able to take a more active role in pushing
    2. being able to change positions during labor (not stay in bed)
    3. lower likelihood of c/s
    4. epidurals sometimes increase the length of labor
    5. risk of complications from the medication (the risk is small and this isn't a huge factor in my decision, but worth putting on the list).

    Those are my reasons and I understand that for someone else the pros might outweigh the cons. 

    I suffered from severe untreated Crohn's Disease for three years and while the pain was more horrible than I can possibly describe, the fear that something terrible really could happen (all alone at home) was way worse than the pain. I think that without that fear, I can take just about any amount of pain - but I guess we'll see if can really do it when the time comes.

  • I had one with DD after a few hours on pitocin. I had no side effects, I'd get one again if needed, but won't immediately ask for one.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • No, I really don't want to, for the many reasons other posters have listed. I also believe that a lot of epidurals lead to other interventions because they often slow labor, which eventually lead to unnecessary c-sections. 

    I also can NOT imagine laboring (with or without an epi - you still feel *something*) sitting/lying in a hospital bed for hours. I want to be able to move around and change positions if necessary. Also the traditional American birthing position is great for doctors and women with epis, but it's not the most effective/natural way to birth a child. The position itself can actually lead to more difficult pushing, more tearing/episiotomies, and more pain.

    I totally understand how some people's primary goal is to delivery as painlessly as possible and I don't judge at all -- and who knows.... maybe I'll end up being one of those people when all is said and done, I'm not discounting anything, but I do see labor as a process and birthing as pain with a purpose. 

  • imagemagpiebride61210:

    plus, i dont like the idea of my baby being born on drugs. a "sleepy baby" is not just sleepy. he's high. i'm not a fan of that.

    I'll be having a spinal as I'm a repeat c-section, but if I were having a vaginal delivery I'd absolutely be for an epidural.  Yep, I'm all for "my baby being on drugs".  Does a spinal mean he'll be on drugs too?   

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagemelissa.1985:
    HeII yeah I'm having one! Big Smile

    Definitely this.

  • umm yes I will be getting one.  It's the best feeling in the whole wide world when you are in labor.  After needing one to deliver  my 10oz daughter you better believer I will be getting one to deliver our 6lb plus daughter! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yes, I ripped (2nd degree) giving birth with DS when he was 38 weeks and almost 9 lbs.  I could not feel it when I ripped or when I got an unknown amount of stitches to repair my vag - thanks to the epidural.  I want to have that same experience again.
  • Yes! I had one last time, too. The couple of hours before I got it were terrible. I really was thinking that I can't understand how people have more than one child after they experience that.
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  • imagecolorschemer:

    I am very much planning on not having an epidural, but have come to terms with the fact that anything is possible. I know that labor is way beyond any pain I've ever felt, but it is at least somewhat predictable and taking place under the supervision of medical professionals. 

    My reasons for strongly preferring a epi-less birth (I don't like the term natural birth btw because it sounds so judgey, like anything else is unnatural and I think that there's enough of that cr@p in the air already) include

    1. being able to take a more active role in pushing
    2. being able to change positions during labor (not stay in bed)
    3. lower likelihood of c/s
    4. epidurals sometimes increase the length of labor
    5. risk of complications from the medication (the risk is small and this isn't a huge factor in my decision, but worth putting on the list).

    Those are my reasons and I understand that for someone else the pros might outweigh the cons. 

    This exactly!  Plus the whole concept of having a needle in my back freaks me out. Not to mention that it increases your chances of migraines afterward and I;m already prone to migraines as it is. I also like the fact that I can get up and walk around immediately after... If I wanted to.

    I delivered dd1 without an epi, so I'm fairly confident I can do it again.

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  • I'm having a repeat c/s, so I will have a spinal. 

    I took natural birth classes w/DD and went into it thinking I was not going to have an epi. I ended up asking for one b/c the pain was so unbearable, I was literally on the verge of passing out with every contraction. Nothing I learned in the birth class helped at all (and I tried everything, believe me!). 

    I also learned from my experience that every method has its pros and cons, and every situation is different. I believed what they told me in the birth class about epis slowing down labor and leading to c/s's, etc., but then I read afterward that more recent studies have shown that isn't true. 


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  • We're having a homebirth, so no.  But even if we were in the hospital I wouldn't.  And there are tons of reasons not to, but I'm too tired right now to type them out.  Let's just say I wouldn't go through natural childbirth without REALLY good reasons, and by researching during my first pregnancy, I found enough reasons to do it.
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  • If they could hook me up in the parking lot id be cool with that. I know it hurts, and I have dealt with astronomical amounts of pain. Just would like to skip it if I can.
    BFP#1 11/10* DS Born via Cesarean 7/11* BFP#2 EDD 1/31/14 *M/C 6/13* BFP #3 RCS 3/14/14
    "I wish that I could bake a cake, made out of rainbows and smiles. And we would all eat it and be happy." 
  • sdolcesdolce member
    nope, not getting an epi and i'm avoiding all interventions as long as there is no true medical need.i did my research and decided the risks of the drugs did not outweigh the benefits. An epidural will often times slow down labor's progression. once you are told the words "failure to progress" the snowball begins. I want to avoid a C section, and so for me the best way to avoid one is by not starting the chain of events that can lead to one. Additionally recovery can be must faster and easier without an epidural. you can walk right away, stand on your own, shower if you like, and most importantly you can go home sooner! i'd love to be home 8 to 10 hours after baby is born. you can't do that if you have an epidural.plus, i dont like the idea of my baby being born on drugs. a "sleepy baby" is not just sleepy. he's high. i'm not a fan of that.
    Same here, and these are also my reasons. Plus I plan on having a water birth!
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  • imageHappyKlamb10:

    I really, really don't want one.  But for a very specific reason.

    I have scoliosis and was told by my OB that I would need to have a consult with the anesthesiologist during 3rd tri to evaluate my ability to get an epidural.  I had the consult about 3 weeks ago and it wasn't great.  She took one look at my back and said, "Oooooh...well this isn't going to be easy."  Apparently not only are my vertebrae curved, but they are also rotated, making it very difficult for them to determine the correct location of my spinal column.  She ultimately said that she would be able to place one, but it probably would take a while (read: would need to get poked several times) and she can't guarantee full numbness.

    Uh, thanks but no thanks.  Bring on the Lamaze breathing.

    Luckily she did say that a spinal (which is usually used for c/s) would be easier to place, so at least if I end up in c/s territory I will be less worried.

    i have severe scoliosis with herrington rods and a fusion from l1 to l4...exactly where they place the epidural. i chose to forego the epidural because i do not like my poor back messed with and i am so thankful i did. i was up walking around after they took my baby to the nicu an hour after delivery. 

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  • I am not planning on having one. I hate the idea of being confined to a bed during and after laboring. I think that my labor will be quicker and more effective if I am able to move around. I also believe that it does effect the baby.
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  • Dude, I am not trying to be anyone's hero.  Smile

    Not to mention, I heard being induced can be very painful (not that all labor isn't..) so I am pretty sure I am going to need it at some point...so yes, absolutley. 

  • ksulliksulli member

    I'm open to it, but want to postpone or avoid it if possible.  The if possible all depends on how I'm handeling the pain.  I've never really been in pain, so I'm not sure if that means I've never hurt myself or I just don't get bothered by it (I had a m/c at 11w- managed with a D&C, which most people are in a lot of pain recovering from, and my wisdom teeth pulled without really noticing...).

    Anyhow, I personally believe feeling the pain at least in the begining of labor and moving around to find a comfortable position is your body's way of getting baby where it needs to be.  I also have control issues and not being able to feel my legs won't go over well psychologically for me (I haven't been drunk in years).

    All that said though, I've done some research on it and have no concerns about the safty of it for me and my LO given what I also know about the anesthesiologists at the hosptial where I plan to deliver.

    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • No. For many many reasons. This is so controversial and I would never want to be offensive to anyone who chooses an epidural. I don't judge anyone for their choices, it's just me personal choice to not have an epidural.

    my main reasons are:

    I want to know what my body can do. Epidurals often slow down labor. You must be monitored and basically stay in the bed for the most part which inhibits one to move around, work through pain, move baby down the canal etc. I want to know that my labor was what it was becasue nature intended it that way and everything I did was for a reason. There is also research that shows (not in all cases) that Epi's can cause early issues with breastfeeding. I don't want to take that risk and don't want LO to be exposed to drugs so early in his life. The drugs DO pass through the placenta.

    I feel that my body was created for this very purpose and that I can do it if I let my body and baby work together without interference and unneccesary drugs/interventions.


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  • imagemagpiebride61210:

    nope, not getting an epi and i'm avoiding all interventions as long as there is no true medical need.

    i did my research and decided the risks of the drugs did not outweigh the benefits. An epidural will often times slow down labor's progression. once you are told the words "failure to progress" the snowball begins. I want to avoid a C section, and so for me the best way to avoid one is by not starting the chain of events that can lead to one. Additionally recovery can be must faster and easier without an epidural. you can walk right away, stand on your own, shower if you like, and most importantly you can go home sooner! i'd love to be home 8 to 10 hours after baby is born. you can't do that if you have an epidural.

    plus, i dont like the idea of my baby being born on drugs. a "sleepy baby" is not just sleepy. he's high. i'm not a fan of that.


    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I did plan on getting one but now I'm having a c/s.
    2 girls and a dog
  • imagemagpiebride61210:

    plus, i dont like the idea of my baby being born on drugs. a "sleepy baby" is not just sleepy. he's high. i'm not a fan of that.

    DD was not born sleepy or high. She was pretty damn alert and opened her eyes and looked at us and nursed in the delivery room.

    2 girls and a dog
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