I went today to look at Barnes and Noble and Hallmark and didn't really see anything I liked. I'm thinking I may just end up making one on my own. Anyone have a pregnancy journal they like? Anyone make their own? Thanks!
that said; lula's baby book came from edna mae and she has AMAZING stuff. i wish i would have used her pregnancy insert for the baby book with lula - but i stuck with the belly book for consistency. LOL.
Re: Pregnancy Journal (bought or homemade) ?
i use the belly book and i love it. it's quick and easy.
that said; lula's baby book came from edna mae and she has AMAZING stuff. i wish i would have used her pregnancy insert for the baby book with lula - but i stuck with the belly book for consistency. LOL.
good luck!
{forever remembered and missed my sweet babe}
*m/c 10/10/10 - 7w0d*