July 2011 Moms

Rude lady at Target [NBR]

Yesterday DH and I were in line at the store checking out. The lady in front of us was older and in one of those electric carts you sit on (not sure what to call it). Anyway, she left and as we were checking out DH picked up her debit card and said "I think this is hers!".

I started walking quickly towards her as she was heading out the door. I called her name (that was on the card) and she didn't turn around, so I was basically running (yes, an almost 8 month pregnant woman chasing this lady down) to catch up with her as she was driving her chair out of the store. I finally caught up with her and said "Excuse me, is this yours?". She literally yanked it from my hands and said "Yes it is" and just drove out.

I couldn't believe I just chased this woman down and she didn't even thank me! What a rude old hag. Bad karma is coming her way.

Re: Rude lady at Target [NBR]

  • That is when you VERY pointedly say "You're WELCOME"
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  • If you would have just gone to Walmart you wouldn't have had that problem, lol. But yeah, seriously rude. Karma's a *** in her own way, and that lady will get what's coming to her. Kudos to you for doing a good deed.
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  • When I deal with people like that or when I hold the door open so someone else can walk through and they are rude and don't acknowledge it I usually say "You're welcome!" in a really snide way.  Makes me feel better  ::shrugs::  I think to some people it needs to be pointed out to them that they're rude.
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  • imagewaterlily2k2:
    If you would have just gone to Walmart you wouldn't have had that problem, lol. But yeah, seriously rude. Karma's a *** in her own way, and that lady will get what's coming to her. Kudos to you for doing a good deed.

    I usually am a Walmart shopper, but we went to buy the DVD Hall Pass at Target because a lot of the CDs and DVDs at Wally World are edited.

    Ps. Hall Pass = Fricken hilarious!

  • It would have been funny if you had ripped the card back out of her hands and threw it on the ground! Sounds like she deserved it. Good Karma coming your way tho, maybe an easy labor and delivery? Big Smile

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  • imagewendy2613:
    Good Karma coming your way tho, maybe an easy labor and delivery? Big Smile
    I wouldn't be opposed to that!

  • imageCactusGirl:

    If you would have just gone to Walmart you wouldn't have had that problem, lol. But yeah, seriously rude. Karma's a *** in her own way, and that lady will get what's coming to her. Kudos to you for doing a good deed.

    I usually am a Walmart shopper, but we went to buy the DVD Hall Pass at Target because a lot of the CDs and DVDs at Wally World are edited.

    Ps. Hall Pass = Fricken hilarious!

    Oh lame, I didn't know that. Good to know about the movie. May be one we'll have to get for the hospital. DH gets bored easily, lol. 

    Jake on swing AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
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