All of my baby clothes are going into drawers (none are hanging in closet). However, how do you keep the little things seperate, like headbands from socks from mittens from hats? Did you get drawer dividers (if so, where?). Or, do you have baskets in the drawers? I feel like I need to be better organized.
And, if you have pictures I would love to see them!
Re: How to organize baby clothes - question
We have these in our own drawers but we plan to buy them for the baby's drawers:
They are a little too tall for the baby's drawers, but they're collapsable and therefore easily cuttable (to make them shorter).
I have three of those canvas bins from Target on the shelf in her closet-- one with headbands/hats, one with little shoes, one with random stuff.
I have clear drawer organizers from Target in the top drawer of her dresser-- socks in one compartment, pacis in one compartment, diaper cream in one compartment, etc.
Also in the top drawer are diapers, wipes, and burp cloths but they're not in the clear drawer organizer things.
0-3 clothing is folded/stacked in the lower dresser drawers.
6+ clothing is unwashed in labeled bins beneath her crib.
I got a couple of packs of these organizers from IKEA:
I don't have pics of my actual drawers right now but the big square ones were good for bibs and sheets, the medium rectangular ones were good for onesies and the little ones perfect for hats, booties and mitts.
Gotta love IKEA!
I'm not hanging anything either. I got this from Ikea to organize the little stuff in the top drawer.
I also haven't bought a ton of clothes yet (Team Green), so haven't run into much other space/organization issues yet. I do plan to buy an undercrib storage box for extra sheets, blankets, etc so I can move them out of the dresser once I need more space. And I have one of those cubicle bookcases and bought a few fabric cubes that I'm storing other little things like paci's.
I'm an organizing freak- I have labels (aka post-it note depicting what is found where) on every dresser drawer and a label on the four baskets/containers in the closet.[I mostly did this for DH, and anyone else who stops over to help after LO arrives]
As for the small things like socks and headbands, I found small shallow plastic baskets in the kitchen organizing department of Target. I'm sure anywhere would have them. They fit in the drawer really nicely. As for mittens and hats, I have them in a basket in the closet labeled "Accessories".
I don't expect the labels to stay on there forever, but just serve as a reminder until we get use to where everything is located.
Here's a few pictures of what we did:
Hope this helps!
LOL! You are hilarious with the post it notes!! Great organizing skills though!
Same thing as what you said basically: I have everything exactly where I want it to be and I am afraid once we start using the items that DH is going to not put them back where I want them (can you say, control freak?).
I will probably go to Walmart today and see what I can find (some simple baskets like the ones you posted will work just fine I think). I like the IKEA ones, but the closest IKEA is not that close and I really don't want to drive over there, especially by myself (I will absolutely not go into that store alone, I get overwhelmed).
I am not hanging anything either. The closet in the nursery is our only storage closet (we rent a 2 bedroom).
I have a three drawer dresser and I bought clear plastic bins at Target. The clothes are rolled instead of folded/stacked so I can easily see all the drawers contents. Socks/slippers/hats mittens are in a tub. Colored onesies in a tub, white onesies in a tub. The drawers will only hold the sizes currently being worn, and once they don't fit, I'll switch out sizes.
I bought three bins for each drawer--they are sterilite shoe boxes from target and were around 1.49/each.
I am an organizing freak, too! I started with post-its on the drawers, but then bought these cute chalkboard sticker labels from Etsy. That way I can erase and re-label as I replace smaller clothes with larger ones over time.
I have something almost just like this. It has 5 drawers and Works great. my drawers are done like this.
Of course you can put anything in them. It is so easy and even My DH knows where everything is.
The only thing that seemed to need reigning in was his little socks. We cut the bottom off of the Moby box (perfect size) and just used that. Otherwise, things are stacked and folded and will stay organized that way. Our dresser has a ton of little drawers (which is why it's in the nursery and no longer in mommy's room), so things stay organized that way.
3 Drawers on top: 1. Misc. (pacifiers, night lights, diaper pail fresheners)
2. Diaper change supplies (wipes, vaseline, paste)
3. Toiletries (clippers, brush, comb, thermometer)
2 Drawers in the middle: 1. Feeding supplies (bibs, pump, creams, bottles)
2. Accessories (socks, hats, mittens, shoes)
2 Large Drawers stacked: 1. Clothing sorted by size (current size in Ikea bin)
2. Other linens (sheets, blankets, washcloths, towels)
I love organizing as much as you ladies! It's been one of my favorite parts of nesting. I even reorganized my clothes, my husbands clothes, and our storage closets! I know I won't have time for that once Elliott shows up.