okay so ladies I am about 5w and a few days along and this is my very first pregnancy. I am a little nervous about every little thing that happens. The woman in my family have all experienced mis carriages with their first pregnancy (a few due to different caused but most unexpected) so I am super aprehensive about this. I have been experencing cramps since my missed period about 8 days ago. Sometimes they are strong and other days they are faint. Some times they are associated with gas and other times they feel like periiod pains.
WHAT IS GOING ON! haha Can some one please explain if this is okay? IS it normal for me to be this worried about every little pain and twinge my body experiences? There is no spotting, not even a little as of yet but I heard that some people have missed miscarriages.
I know I am thinking too much about this but I just want to make sure i am doing everything I can to give this will guy a fighting chance.
Thanks ladies.
Re: What does this cramping mean!
Ladies you are the best! I am so excited to be due right around the same time as you all! We have choosen not ot tell anyone yet so it is great ot have somebody to talk to.
Thanks again ladies.
I, like everyone else in this thread, am also experiencing the cramping!! It's very faint and it comes and goes.. this is my first pregnancy and I'm only 4 1/2 weeks along so I've been a little nervous when I cramp but your responses have calmed me a little bit! It does make sense that our bodies are just preparing themselves for the crazy ride to come
I'm so happy thebump has it set up so that we can talk to people with similar due dates, very helpful!! Good luck, ladies 
Me too! First time preggers and nervous nelly:( Im feeling sharp little pains like little stabs in my private area. Ive read its normal, I dont have any bleeding as of now either. Im 4 weeks along and dont know what to expect. I concur nice to talk to people in the same boat!
Kind Regards