Dd is now 13 months and I'm ready to be done. She nurses in the am when wakes, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, sometimes in the late afternoon and then right before bed at night. the pre-nap and pre-bed sessions last literally 4-5 minutes. the am and late afternoon sessions last a bit longer--closer to 10 minutes.
So how do I start weaning? I thought about trying to cut out the pre-afternoon feeding first. maybe moving it out of her room and doing it while older dd is getting ready for her nap. Then eventually dropping it.
I welcome any thoughts since this is new to me--dd #1 never latched so she was never breastfed. Any advice ladies? what worked for you?
Re: this bf-ing mom needs weaning help.
I gave her a sippy of milk and tried rocking her to sleep while walking instead of sitting down (which is how she was nursing). Also, cutting the shorter sessions first is easier. Don't do them all at once, it will be harder for her and for you with engorgement.
Good luck and congrats for BF for so long!
I would drop the afternoon or morning fedding first and then take it from there. I dropped a feeding a week. Make sure you distract them or do something different so they don't expect to nurse at that time.
Good luck to you.
I would start by dropping a a day time feeding, not the first of the day or the bedtime.
Try just giving her milk in a sippy or bottle whichever she is used to and holding her like you would if you were nursing. Just drop one and once she is adjusted to that then drop another.