Hey all, have you heard yay or nay about massage in the 1st tri by someone that is certified in prenatal? One massage place wouldn't take me and another said they have specific therapists that are prenatal certified....
My body HURTS and I can't get ahold of my DOC.
Re: Massage in the 1st Tri with certified prenatal...
It's not actually totally fine... I work for a massage corporation and it's highly cautioned against to get a massage in the first trimester. Massage releases toxins into the bloodstream and those levels can get high and cause miscarriage. It's recommended that you wait until the 2nd trimester.
The Out-Of-Date Bio | The Blog I've Started Updating Again
Better safe than sorry, however there is some debate as to whether it is necessary to abstain in the 1st tri.
Here are the viewpoints of the APA (American Pregnancy Association)
Is prenatal massage safe throughout the entire pregnancy?Women can begin massage therapy at any point in their pregnancy ? during the first, second, or third trimester. Many facilities will refuse to offer massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased statistics for miscarriage associated with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
found here: https://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/prenatalmassage.html
and another article in a Trade publication for Massage Therapists
Based on this and other research I personally would be comfortable receiving a massage in the first Trimester as there does not appear to be a scientific link between first trimester massage and miscarriage. You may want to address your concerns with your Dr. as well as the massage practice and see what they have to say on the issue.
GL in your decision and I hope you feel better soon!
Edit: Added links, after preforming research.
This! I called to get a massage in my 1st tri with DS and when I mentioned that I was pregnant she told me I would need to wait until my 2nd trimester to have one done due to the toxins that are released with any type of massage or chiropracty.
I wouldn't worry about anything prior to the BFP. At that point the baby hasn't started sharing your blood. I lived by the philosophy, "drink till it's pink" when we were trying to conceive.