My DD1 was around 10th percentile for weight and was born at 38 weeks weighing 6lb 7oz (induced). Now they are worried or I should say keeping me under observation with weekly NST's and bi-weekly sonos to check DD2's progress (she's currently at around 5th percentile for weight). I was a 6 lb baby and so was my DH so I guess I just grown smaller babies, but I was wondering of any of you have experienced similar scenarios and have heard other reasoning's of why the baby is so small. FWIW I've gained a normal amount and get at least 60/70grams of protein a day.
Re: Pls chime in if you have a small baby >5th percentile
I don't know what baby is measuring @ because they haven't really monitored us for that, but when I had DS he was 6lb 15oz and that was at 40 weeks (induced) so I'm guessing he was on the lower side too, but they never said anything to me about it...
I'm also petite only 5'1, so I don't have much room anyway...which sounds like you are the same
It's difficult not to worry but I'm sure your instincts are correct...
DD is small for gestational age (3 percentile for growth) due to placental insufficently caused by the pre-e.
Apparently, my placenta was smaller than normal and had a bunch of clots in it.
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12
DS1 was 6lbs 7oz at 39 weeks. I think he was in the 10th percentile. I had low fluid and my placenta wasn't doing its job anymore. I had a growth ultrasound last week (37 weeks) and they estimated this baby's weight to be 6lbs 9oz. I am hoping he will be at least 7 pounds, but he might be a peanut also. I will have a repeat c/s on Friday.
It could be that you just make small babies. Two of my friends just had babies at 39 weeks and they both weighed a little over 5lbs.
We are going through the same thing as you right now. Our baby is in the 12th percentile. We had to go monday for a grow ultrasound. I have to now visit the Dr twice a week to get a weekly ultrasound and two heart rate checks. Everything has checked out fine with the baby. My dh and I think we are smaller people so we would produce a small baby. I am only 4'11 and husband is 5'7 so not very tall! Baby is around 5lbs both my mother and I both only weighed 5lbs 12 oz when born so i figure its genetics....
Good luck with everything!
same here. I was sent for a BPP last week. Found that everything they were looking for checked out fine. Went for NST also and that was fine too. She was 4lbs/? oz last week, 10th percentile. I am 5'2 125lbs and DH is 5'7 145lbs. I guess we're small so we're just having a small baby. I did gain 2 lbs since last U/S!