Landon Joe arrived Monday June 20, at 6:02pm, weighing 6lbs 4oz and 20 in long at 37 weeks and 4 days. He is healthy and perfect

Last Wednesday I went to my prenatal appt and found that I was 2cm dilated. After having contractions Saturday and Sunday night we decided to come to the hospital Sunday evening. I was dilated to 4 cm and 60%effaced but after being monitored for a few hours there was no change so we were sent home. We went home and got a few hours ofsleep, woke up and had a late lunch around 2. During lunch I got my first real strong contraction, completely different from what I had been having. They were coming between 5-7 min so I took a shower, then we dropped DD off at her grandmas and was on our way. By that time they were coming about every 3-4 min. When we got to the hospital I was checked and dilated to 7cm and 100%effaced. After about 20 more min of laboring I pushed twice and Landon Joe was here! We had a natural unmedicated birth again and I am feeling pretty good, still a little sore but that is about it! We are so happy that he is here and healthy! His big sister already loves him so much! We are waiting to be discharged now, will try and post pics when we get home. Hope all you ladies are doing well.
Re: Another June Mom!
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
same here! congrats!
Me: 36 DH: 41
Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13
Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13
BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14
All Alers Welcome!
My little firecracker. Born on her due date,7/4/11