1st Trimester

Lower back pains during exercise

When I went to the gym this evening, I hopped onto an elliptical and put it on a low incline, low resistance and went slowly. I didn't want to overdo it. About fifteen minutes in, I was having lower back pains and decided to call it quits.

I am in pretty good health and exercise regularly, and this is the first time that I have tried to exercise since finding out that I was pregnant, so I don't know if I am just psyching myself out, or if I should be concerned?

Re: Lower back pains during exercise

  • If you are extremely concerned, ask your OB tomorrow.  You might just be a bit dehydrated.  
  • My obgyn told me to try not to use the elliptical... I was having the same problem.  I switched to the tredmill and kept it light, I havent had problems since.
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  • I have this problem with all of my pregnancies. I have had a back injury in my past due to sports, so that may be part of it.  But, I think it is a pretty common problem to have back pain.  I think it also depends how you carry. 

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  • I wouldn't necessarily be concerned, but I would caution you to either stop using the elliptical or make some changes so that your back isn't affected. I've been continuing with Zumba and there are days where I forget to back off a little and I almost always have back pain afterward, but then I'm more careful the next time and everything is fine. 

    I also remember having some sporadic back pain early on that since hasn't shown up quite as often, so it could be a combo of you exercising for the first time in a little with your body adjusting to pregnancy. Just make sure to listen to your body, stop early if you need to, drink lots of extra water, and you'll be fine. 

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