1st Trimester

vanishing twin syndrome??

Has this ahppened to any of you?  What can you tell me about it?  What were your symtoms, BETA's, anything that you can tell me would be appreciated.  TIA
Alyssa born 6/14/05 at 8 lbs 2oz - Ashley born 3/27/10 at 6 lbs 13oz
We had 2 years of IF trying to conceive #2 and one loss during that time. We are currently trying for #3! had another loss the end of June
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Re: vanishing twin syndrome??

  • I don't know if my situation is considered vanishing twin syndorme or not.

    I went in at 7 weeks for an ultrasound.  2 sac were found and only one heartbeat.  I went back at 9 weeks and only 1 baby remained -- We could not see the other baby/sac at all.  It was already absorbed by my body. 

    ETA: My beta numbers were high (I think 475 @ 14dp IUI - then 2700 @ 16dp IUI).  I did not get my betas checked again after the U/S since baby A had a strong heart beat.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageNiniJ55:

    I don't know if my situation is considered vanishing twin syndorme or not.

    I went in at 7 weeks for an ultrasound.  2 sac were found and only one heartbeat.  I went back at 9 weeks and only 1 baby remained -- We could not see the other baby/sac at all.  It was already absorbed by my body.

    Alyssa born 6/14/05 at 8 lbs 2oz - Ashley born 3/27/10 at 6 lbs 13oz
    We had 2 years of IF trying to conceive #2 and one loss during that time. We are currently trying for #3! had another loss the end of June
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    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • imageNiniJ55:

    I don't know if my situation is considered vanishing twin syndorme or not.

    I went in at 7 weeks for an ultrasound.  2 sac were found and only one heartbeat.  I went back at 9 weeks and only 1 baby remained -- We could not see the other baby/sac at all.  It was already absorbed by my body.

    Did you have any BETA's done or did you not realize it till you went in four your u/s?  Thanks for your help.

    Alyssa born 6/14/05 at 8 lbs 2oz - Ashley born 3/27/10 at 6 lbs 13oz
    We had 2 years of IF trying to conceive #2 and one loss during that time. We are currently trying for #3! had another loss the end of June
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageDSU98:

    I don't know if my situation is considered vanishing twin syndorme or not.

    I went in at 7 weeks for an ultrasound.  2 sac were found and only one heartbeat.  I went back at 9 weeks and only 1 baby remained -- We could not see the other baby/sac at all.  It was already absorbed by my body.

    Did you have any BETA's done or did you not realize it till you went in four your u/s?  Thanks for your help.

    I was late with my Edit -- but I added my beta's to my reply.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had a vanishing twin with my first pregnancy.  My first beta was 390 at 15dpo, then around 800 at 17dpo.  First ultrasound around 6 weeks showed 2 sacs, one normal one with a baby in it, and a smaller one with just a yolk sac.  They checked me again the following week, and it was still measuring about a week behind the other, though it did seem to have a flickering heartbeat that time.  The week after that, it was gone.
    IVF #1 = BFP on 5/2009
    FET #1 = BFP on 5/2011
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