We've been using coconut oil to treat DS's rash. It is awesome and really is helping but recently he's been leaking through his diapers very often. Is coconut oil a no no with CD's? Anyone have suggestions about good rash cream that is compatible with CD's? I'm assuming there is a connection because this is the first time I've had any leaks with my diapers. (BG, Thirsties and HH's). Thanks!
DS#1~ 6/8/09
DS#2~ 5/12/11
Re: Coconut oil & CD
I've read that it IS CD safe so I ordered some for her day care bin. I wanted to switch to that when our CB was gone because of the antibacterial properties. It should be here today. Crap.
I hope it's just a fluke for you. Do you have liners you can use? Is it possible that it's time to increase the size insert or adjust to the next size on the OS?
I've had no problems with California Baby Diaper Rash cream. Clears things up quickly and hasn't interfered with the diapers.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
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I just looked at my CJs tube when I was changing her for nap time and was going to come back and share that, too. I knew I had read that it was okay.
OP - I'm wondering if you're having a repelling or a fit issue?
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.