July 2011 Moms

Rant...I am highly irrational and angry today...

anyone else?

I am already sick of all this pelvic pressure and these stupid contractions that I have been having since 14 weeks! It's all my stupid "irritable uterus" Thankfully the progesterone shots worked this pregnancy and LO has stayed put but now I am reaching my breaking point, which like I said is highly irrational, I am not even 36 weeks. My contractions are 6-8 minutes apart every day and I am not dilated at all (which is probably a good thing for now) but it is very frustrating.

I really wish I could enjoy being pregnant for the next few weeks but LO is so low it hurts to walk and I know that is very normal but for some reason it is Pisssing me off! 

I am just losing it today, I keep completely contradicting myself and am so angry and impatient.

Someone please rant back at me 

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Re: Rant...I am highly irrational and angry today...

  • This was me yesterday. Poor DH had to put up with me in the car all irritable for over 3 hrs, because we were coming back from out of town. Baby kept kicking me down there, and it freaking hurt! Plus I was just having one of those days where I felt huge, and DH's driving was putting me over the edge. I was so uncomfortable and cranky!

    Today baby has settled down, but I have apparently lost my mind, as I can't remember anything from one moment to the next. I feel totally useless and, once again, just plain huge. I want to go home, sit on my couch, watch tv and eat crap. None of which I can do. Phoey!


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  • I was pretty cranky when we were out running errands this weekend. MH wanted to show me something at Kohls we didn't need and I snapped at him and asked him why he thought I needed to walk across the store.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


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  • I get like that sometimes, too, and I'm not even having any of the issues you've had! You've definitely earned a few irrational days. ::big hugs::

    J+C est. 6.22.08
    Adele Lorraine b. 7.13.11

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  • imageJay_Cee:

    I get like that sometimes, too, and I'm not even having any of the issues you've had! You've definitely earned a few irrational days. ::big hugs::

    Thanks! I just feel like such an idiot for having these "want this baby out now" feelings when I did so much to keep her in. I know I don't really want her out NOW but I wish I could walk around a bit more. And emotionally I just want to cry and punch things at the same time. I am one of those crazy pregnant ladies today! 

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  • imagejesh1111:

    I get like that sometimes, too, and I'm not even having any of the issues you've had! You've definitely earned a few irrational days. ::big hugs::

    Thanks! I just feel like such an idiot for having these "want this baby out now" feelings when I did so much to keep her in. I know I don't really want her out NOW but I wish I could walk around a bit more. And emotionally I just want to cry and punch things at the same time. I am one of those crazy pregnant ladies today! 

    I can totally relate to this. I had so much pelvic pressure this weekend, the only way I was comfortable was laying down. I cried several times because I just felt so worthless/helpless. HANG IN THERE!!!! You have made it so far and deserve days to be "irrational"

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  • too much out of my control. pretty easy pregnancy but Im done with it.  tired and don't want to do anything.  still trying to work two jobs.  baby is pushing up and down.  the world keeps going.  im waiting for divorce papers (even longer story) trying to sell the tenent occupied house that I own with my ex-his idea to sell...my job...that has two adults 2 dogs four cats and their grandmother (wtf)  and all i can do is cry.  giant eff 
  • I have been miserable too!  Poor DH I must have yelled at him a million times on fathers day, because I was just so uncomfortable and sore.  He just wants me to be in a good mood, but I keep explaining to him it is really hard when I have acid reflux every 5 minutes, my siatic nerve makes it hard to walk, let alone the pressure with waddling, plus I work in retail so I am on my feet 1/2 the time!
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