anyone else?
I am already sick of all this pelvic pressure and these stupid contractions that I have been having since 14 weeks! It's all my stupid "irritable uterus" Thankfully the progesterone shots worked this pregnancy and LO has stayed put but now I am reaching my breaking point, which like I said is highly irrational, I am not even 36 weeks. My contractions are 6-8 minutes apart every day and I am not dilated at all (which is probably a good thing for now) but it is very frustrating.
I really wish I could enjoy being pregnant for the next few weeks but LO is so low it hurts to walk and I know that is very normal but for some reason it is Pisssing me off!
I am just losing it today, I keep completely contradicting myself and am so angry and impatient.
Someone please rant back at me
Re: Rant...I am highly irrational and angry today...
This was me yesterday. Poor DH had to put up with me in the car all irritable for over 3 hrs, because we were coming back from out of town. Baby kept kicking me down there, and it freaking hurt! Plus I was just having one of those days where I felt huge, and DH's driving was putting me over the edge. I was so uncomfortable and cranky!
Today baby has settled down, but I have apparently lost my mind, as I can't remember anything from one moment to the next. I feel totally useless and, once again, just plain huge. I want to go home, sit on my couch, watch tv and eat crap. None of which I can do. Phoey!
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I get like that sometimes, too, and I'm not even having any of the issues you've had! You've definitely earned a few irrational days. ::big hugs::
Thanks! I just feel like such an idiot for having these "want this baby out now" feelings when I did so much to keep her in. I know I don't really want her out NOW but I wish I could walk around a bit more. And emotionally I just want to cry and punch things at the same time. I am one of those crazy pregnant ladies today!
I can totally relate to this. I had so much pelvic pressure this weekend, the only way I was comfortable was laying down. I cried several times because I just felt so worthless/helpless. HANG IN THERE!!!! You have made it so far and deserve days to be "irrational"