I was just at the grocery store and the checkout lady asked me when I'm due and it dawned on me that I no longer have to say July 2nd...I can say next Saturday. Cue panic attack.
Totally freaking me out. I keep thinking a week from tomorrow I go to the hospital to start the whole process, that in 8 days I will be holding my little girl. So freaky!!
Ok I'm jealous! I still have a good 2 or 3 weeks to go, and I'm so ready. I'm anxious to hold him, cuddle with him, see what he looks like...all the good stuff. And I'm anxious to be done with the pubic pain, swelling, not having any good sleep position whatsoever...lol. I agree though, where did the time go?!
Re: Next Saturday
This is what I thought. I'm due the Wednesday after that, so it feels so close!
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007