July 2011 Moms

(NBR) Heartbroken

I'm pretty sure that everything I have posted on PIP Mondays got thrown away. Sad

DH and I went home to visit my parents two weekends ago. My mom wanted to see all the sewing projects I have been doing for LO. I put everything in a Target bag and took it along. When we got back into town, I hung that Target bag on a doorknob near the kitchen. The other morning I was blowdrying my hair, and for whatever reason into my head popped "where is that target bag?!?!" Panicked, I ran out and it was gone.

Pretty sure it got taken out with the trash---inside were the booties, two pairs of pants, sleeper sack, and several burp cloths that I had made. Months worth of sewing, out the window. It's not even about the hours of sewing---but about those moments that I spent cutting out those tiny little pieces thinking of the little boy that would soon wear them.

There is still the slight chance that my pregnancy brain tucked them "somewhere safe", but right now I'm not convinced.

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