July 2011 Moms

I think I lost my muscous plug

Or at least part of it. Noticed clear mucous discharge this morning and then again this afternoon. No bloody show yet, but at least something is progressing, right? I can't wait to go to the doctor on Wednesday and see if I've made any more progress.

Re: I think I lost my muscous plug

  • gmc222gmc222 member

    I am wondering the same thing. I wear a pad everyday due to leakage anyways, but yesterday I noticed some 'gooeyness' on the pad that I've never had. There was a very teeny tiny drop of blood in the evening when I wiped, but I'm not convinced it was anything to worry about.

    I also have an appt. on Wed and am very interested to see if there's any progress!


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  • I'm 3cm and 80%... thought I was in labor and went to the ER and told the nurse that earlier I had lost my MP a little and she said that if I'm 3 cm dialted then I lost it a long time ago... I HAVE NO MEMORY OF IT lol So I asked if the discharge I passed was normal and she said yes, I have nothing to worry about. I also had a lot of discharge after that night because of the nurse poking around TMI and I told the doctor, he said it was because I was so dialated. Btw, it definitely doesn't mean you're going into labor anytime soon... I mean you could, but that would probably just be a coincidense. HOPE THIS HELPS!
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