Or at least part of it. Noticed clear mucous discharge this morning and then again this afternoon. No bloody show yet, but at least something is progressing, right? I can't wait to go to the doctor on Wednesday and see if I've made any more progress.
Re: I think I lost my muscous plug
I am wondering the same thing. I wear a pad everyday due to leakage anyways, but yesterday I noticed some 'gooeyness' on the pad that I've never had. There was a very teeny tiny drop of blood in the evening when I wiped, but I'm not convinced it was anything to worry about.
I also have an appt. on Wed and am very interested to see if there's any progress!
After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1
TTC #2
Clomid 50 mg + IUI#1 = BFP, m/c and D&C at 7w1d
Clomid 50mg + IUI#2 = BFN
Clomid 100mg + IUI#3 = BFN
Lupron + Follistim + IVF#1 = 11ER, 10M, 10F, ET of 1 expanded BBA 5-day blast, 2 Frosties. BFP! Beta 10/13 = 264! Beta 10/15 = 702! EDD 6/21/14