July 2011 Moms

Med-Free Monday! (Natural Birthers Come In)

Well, ladies, we're coming down to the line. How are we feeling about our choice to go med-free? Anxious? Excited? Scared? Confident? Determined? Calm? etc.?

Also, I could be wrong, but we haven't had any med-free babies yet, have we? Who's got the earliest EDD? I'm due on the 25th, so I still have a while to wait. . .

Have a great day, everyone! 

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Re: Med-Free Monday! (Natural Birthers Come In)

  • I'm feeling much more calm and honestly am more concerned about the postpartum recovery than about the labor.  I'm not sure we've had any unmedicated births yet, either.  I'm not due until the 27th, so I better not be the first one! 

    DD Born July 2011
    TTC#2 for 4 years: multiple rounds of IVF, M/Cs, lots of tears.  Cautiously optimistic about #2 EDD 12/29/18
  • also due on the 25th and feeling all the emotions you've listed! one minute i'm very confident and the next i'm scared out of my mind!

    DH and I just completed a baby bootcamp that was the natural births answer to the regular hospital child birth class. i have to say i feel better about things especially since DH got really involved and maybe understands more of his "role" now. we had a blast and learned a lot. i'm just hoping that in the heat of the moment, we'll remember everything. but we've also hired a doula so i think we're setting ourselves up pretty well.

    happy 35/35!

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  • I'm due on the 11th.

    I'm feeling all kinds of emotions about my choice.  Mostly determined.  Because I can't have any help during labor (not that I'd ever want pitocin again anyway), I'm steering clear of the epidural so I can be as active as possible to move things along.  I've always wanted to be med-free, but my vaginal delivery pretty much counts on it.

    I'm also feeling some dread about going through it.  I was med-free for 17 hours during my first labor, so I do remember what it was like.  I'm trying to stay positive and not think about it.

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  • I don't think I'm the earliest, but I'm due on the 6th.  I am feeling great and VERY excited and determined about my choice to go med-free.  I've been practicing my hypnobirthing every night and before a nap yesterday too.  I think I have that to thank for sleeping so much better this pregnancy (I didn't study hypnobirthing the first time and had terrible insomnia).

    So Saturday I woke up at 3:30am with BH contractions.  Nothing new, I get them once a day at least.  Then the BH didn't stop.  And they continued for 5 hours, roughly every 10-20 minutes.  I am thankful for them though, because I was able to practice my breathing for actual contractions instead of just 'faking' contractions.  BUT..I really thought I was going to have this baby this past weekend!  I really hope I go to at least 40 weeks, but I would be happy to have a little baby now too.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I am still feeling very calm about it.  My main concern is that I will be able to do a vaginal delivery.  At my 33 week sonogram, my baby was measuring in the 95% at 3 weeks ahead! Already 6 pounds 10 ounces, with the head measuring 39 weeks and 4 days!!! I know the scans can be off, but I believe this baby is going to be very large.  My doctor mentioned a c-section if the baby continues growing at this rate, which worries me :(
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  • MarseeMarsee member

    I'm feeling much more calm and honestly am more concerned about the postpartum recovery than about the labor.  I'm not sure we've had any unmedicated births yet, either.  I'm not due until the 27th, so I better not be the first one! 

    I feel pretty similarly. I'm mostly calm and determined about the med-free labor (though I'm about 20% worried that DH won't be prepared enough to help me when I need it). What I'm really anxious about is how the he!! I'm going to take care of a baby and raise it to not be a serial killer. Wink 

    imageimageimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am due June 30th (my original EDD was July 1st, that's why I've always posted here) and I am planning to go med free. I was feeling great about it up until the last few days and now I am trying my best not to be completely terrified. I made the mistake of watching "A baby story" on TLC and of course they add the 'dramatic TV effect'. Not a good idea!!  I'm just going to try to keep focusing on my hypnobabies and try to get into more of a relaxed state about the whole thing, because it could be any day now!! I'll let you ladies know how it goes! :)
  • I'm feeling great, due the 28th. After a family party this weekend and getting tons of questions (and wide-eye looks when I said I was going to go natural) I felt empowered, like I can do this. My MIL went natural with DH and BIL, and she was really supportive. I am measuring in the 35% as of my 33 week sonogram, so I'm hoping she's in the low 7 lb. range, definitely doable! 

    I've also started calling my husband coach and told him we'll get a clipboard and whistle for the delivery room when people were saying "good luck" to him with my going natural. He said he'd get the drugs if he was me, but he's 100% supportive of going natural, and thinks going natural suits me better.  

    Love 9.3.03 Marriage 12.1.07 Baby Carriage 8.3.11
  • kda217kda217 member

    I am another late July Momma planning to go med free!  Definitely feeling great about the decision.  We went to the beach this weekend with DS and had a great time. I kept thinking that next time we will be a family of four. This was the last thing that I had on my list of things to do as a family of three. To be honest, I am ready to meet DD.  I am not worried about med free at all right now. I did it once and feel empowered by that! 

     Can't wait to hear about all of your who are due before me!

  • I'm due the 9th, and am feeling pretty confident about everything.  DH and I sat down yesterday and were reading books and what not getting ready.  I am just so ready to meet this little man!
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  • I am without a doubt absolutely excited to do it again. Determined and anxious are thrown in as well, but very much so excited.

    I'm due on the 3rd.

    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I am due on the 14th, so it looks like I'm right in the middle :) I am feeling confident about my med-free decision. I'm giving birth at a free-standing birth center, so drugs won't really be an option for me. I would be way more nervous if I were delivering at a hospital because then I'd know the drugs were there if I wanted them.

    I have not, admittedly, been practicing my hypnobirthing as much as I should be. But I feel pretty good about it. Mostly, I just need to practice the surge breathing more. 

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  • I keep missing this post! Glad to catch it and read the responses. I'm due July 15th but she's tried to show up early several times already so we'll just see what happens!

    I'm feeling very good about the med-free since that's what we did with our son. However, I've been really stressed because we're STILL not full term and I've been on bed rest for PTL since week 26! Spent Saturday morning at L&D, too, since we had contractions start at 2:30am at 5-7 min apart and by 7:30 they were 4 min apart and STRONG. But not full term so lots of hospital rigmarole! Happily they stopped with iv fluids. Just need to get to Friday!

    Anyway, the contractions were strong and painful but I still feel like I did with my son's birth: having medication would be like giving a trucker a martini before he hits the Rocky Mountains - just distracting from the work at hand. It always felt best to listen to my body and do what it prompted and that's what I'm relying on this time, too.

     Once Friday hits, I'll be so much more relaxed and ready to call the doula - again! - and have this little girl!

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  • I went med free the last time so I can do it again! What helped me was being in the mind set to do it. I think if you go into saying there's no way then you probably won't, but if you go into it say I can you have a better chance.
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  • I'm due on the 4th. So not the earliest DD but close to the front. I'm feeling pretty calm, cool and collected. I can't say that I'm "excited" for the actual labor, but I'm certainly not frightened either. 

    I started reading a Bradley book and am kind of regretting purchasing it. It's definitely taking away my "pumped" feeling that I had after reading Ina May's books. So I'm just going to skim the rest of the Bradley book and maybe do some of the relaxation techniques, but I'm starting to read the birth stories in Guide To Childbirth again because those get me feeling so "CAN DO" about the whole thing. :)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • I'm due the 16th. Funny thing- I have been so empowered and "ready" for natural birth this whole pregnancy. Not scared at all and then the other night, for some reason, a wave of fear came over me and I was terrifed of the pain. I of course, will not change my med-free decision but i guess reality is setting in that I need to prepare myself for any amount of pain. I am still very determined and keep reminding myself that I am confident in my body's ability to do what it was menat to do. I think what I am most scared of is being told that I must be induced or that for whatever medical reason, my med-free birth is not going to fly and I need a CS or whatever else.
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  • Well i feel pretty freakin confident. No i haven't heard of any natural births yet. So excited to have her out and in my arms. I know its gonna be painful but i believe we were born for this so everything will be fine. FTM I've heard the horror stories but i believe we could all do it. Im due the 28 so there will be plenty that go before me so good luck to you all.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imageHelloAnnie!:

    I'm feeling much more calm and honestly am more concerned about the postpartum recovery than about the labor.  I'm not sure we've had any unmedicated births yet, either.  I'm not due until the 27th, so I better not be the first one! 

    This is bold..I also just want to get this party on the road.. I have been doing Perineal massaging to help prevent tearing and all my bradley exercises, I think I am ready I just want to get it over with lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I felt really good about it until I had an excruciating charlie horse last week and it scared the sh!t out of me! It seriously made me doubt my ability to do this. Thankfully, my DH is super supportive of this as is my doula.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Feeling good about it and hoping that there aren't any complications that prevent it.  
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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  • I'm due on the 17th and still feeling pretty calm. Even though I had a SCH first tri and GD I still feel like my body has handled pregnancy beautifully which helps me to think "my body is made for this, I can do it." I also learned that any pain meds would not be covered by insurance so that is a nice little incentive for my cheapskate self.

    I just keep reminding myself that I can do it. That it won't be painless but I can control my reactions to the pain, and that I've waited a long time for this experience. I also keep reminding H not to ask me if I want medication, but to let me ask for it if I feel like I can't move on. I'm much less likely to get meds if I have to bother (I know, they don't think it's bothering) the nurses to get it vs having them offer and just saying yes.

  • imageprincessjulia28:

    I'm feeling much more calm and honestly am more concerned about the postpartum recovery than about the labor.  I'm not sure we've had any unmedicated births yet, either.  I'm not due until the 27th, so I better not be the first one! 

    This is bold..I also just want to get this party on the road.. I have been doing Perineal massaging to help prevent tearing and all my bradley exercises, I think I am ready I just want to get it over with lol

    This is my first time posting on Med free Monday.  I am feeling very determined about Natural Birth - however I am also feeling very anxious about the healing process.  I guess, in my mind, labor only last hours - a couple days a max - but the healing process - now that can take awhile....

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