I know everyone's situation is different and I have to clear it with my Dr, but MH & I were discussing July 4 weekend and whether or not we want to drive ~3.5 hours away to his aunt & uncle's lake house outside of Knoxville for the long weekend. The idea of floating in a lake sounds DIVINE, and it'd be nice to get away. I'll just be turning 37 weeks then, and I've had an easy pg so far with zero issues.
I figure worst case, I'll bring a copy of my records and research the closest major hospital before we leave, just in case. MH thinks we'll just start driving back home if I start to experience ctx thinking we'll have hours, but I think there's no way I'll want to drive 3 hours with ctx!
How were you ladies ahead of me feeling around 37 weeks? Is the thought of a 3 hour car ride torture? Being that far from your OB too risky? Anyone else with a late July EDD thinking of travelling for the 4th?
Re: For those at/passed 37 weeks, how did you feel then?
FTM here, so I am no expert, but for me, I wouldnt want to be in a car with contractions for any extended amt of time. Im even dreading the hospital ride.
Relaxing like that sounds great! I would have a hard time deciding too, but 37 weeks is full term, which means, any time. So I would probably opt not to go :-(
Well, I won't drive the 1.5 hours to my IL's house anymore because it is too much for me. I get a lot of pelvic and tailbone pain when I'm in the car that long. I don't even like driving to my parent's house, which is only 45 minutes away. However, I've felt this way for 2-4 weeks now.
What does your doctor say about travel that late? I know mine doesn't want me that far away at this point.
If you do end up going, just make sure to take a lot of stops so you can stretch your legs and pee if needed (which I know I'd need!).
Floating around in a lake does sound very tempting!
No matter what the circumstances, I don't think my OB would let me travel that far at 37 weeks.
As for me personally, DS was born a little over 37 weeks- so no, I wouldn't travel during this pregnancy.
I've had a really pretty easy pregnancy as well with no complications... Some days I'm alright, but most days being in the car for more than 45 minutes straight really starts to get uncomfortable. Baby is squashed up into my ribs and my butt hurts and it's just not fun. At 35 weeks I drove 6 hours (each way) to my family's house and it was totally doable. But, after the 4 day weekend and the drive back I was absolutely exhausted. I felt wiped out for 2 or 3 days from it. And at that point I said, "okay, no more trips until after baby is here." I live in the country and it's about 45 min - 1 hour to get to my appointments, and any major shopping areas, and some days I really can't handle that. I'm not worried about suddenly going into labor (even now and I'm 38 weeks pregnant) but we did cancel a 2.5 - 3 hour drive to Wilmington because the only way I could imagine being remotely comfortable for that long of a drive would be to put a bed in the back of the SUV! lol
If you do decide to go ... Seriously no joke stop every hour to get out and stretch. Even if you don't feel like you have to get out and go pee and then walk around for about 5 minutes before getting back in. Trust me on that one!! Please do it. Also, drink tons of water. The worst charlie horses I got were during and after that trip I mentioned above, and I was literally drinking waters and gatorades the entire drive, probably a bottle every hour on the way up and a bottle every 90 minutes ish on the way down. It wasn't enough. Good luck! I envy all the ladies that are swimming right now. sigh
I'm leaving for a family weekend this weekend about 3 hours away.
I asked the dr. and all he said was, "Have fun. Here's 2 hospitals with easy access to your records in the area. You're low risk so anyone can deliver your baby." He also said it was fine to come home at the first sign of labor too.
I know sitting in the car really bothers a lot of people at this stage, but I never had a problem with it in either of my pregnancies..
My OB will not let you travel further than an hour past 36 weeks.
I feel AWFUL. BUT......this is my 3rd PG and it has been by far the worst PG of any.
Looking back at my 1st PG, I probably could have done it, except that my OB's didn't want me that far at that point.
If your OB's are okay with it and you feel okay, I say go for it

Since I'm now past 38 weeks, obviously I could have done the trip at 37 weeks without delivering.
However, personally I would not have done it. After 36 weeks my doc does not want me traveling more than an hour to 90 mins from the hospital. As pp said, 37 weeks is full term which technically means you can go at any time. Yeah there are hospitals near the lake for you, but do you really want to deliver away from your home hospital? And you should also check with your insurance to see if you would have to pay out of pocket for an out of area delivery.
As for comfort, yes I would have been very uncomfortable in the car for that long. I'd probably need to stop at least every 45 mins or so.
Personally, I don't think it's worth it, but that's just me.
I was having a lovely pregnancy until about week 36. I am now freakin' miserable. I'm swollen, constantly tired, weepy, and get terrible BHs while riding in the car. I think my opinion is clear: I would NOT do it.
I don't blame you for wanting a get away though...
If you went into labor, you would DEFINITELY not want to have contractions for 3 hours in a car. I hated the 15 minutes last time!
In addition, for me, it's not that I felt uncomfortable to travel (without contractions) the first time or even this time, it's more that I"m planning a natural birth and would be devestated if I had to deliver away from my midwife, OB, doula, birthing inn, etc. I spent all 9 months with these folks, if I had to deliver in an unknown place, it just wouldn't be ideal by any means.
Also, I had timetable contractions this past weekend for 5 hours before they disappeared (as a FTM last time, though, this never happened to me). They were every 10 minutes so I knew it was either false labor or very early labor. I was 37 weeks, 3 days. Being three hours away though, I would have immediately driven back after hour 1 to make it to the hospital, just to find out that it was just false labor!
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I feel fine at 37 weeks, if anything my feet get tired after standing for a while, but riding in a car would be a piece of cake.
Take your records and go. The avg. first time pregnancy lasts 40 weeks 8 days...no need to be a hermit now, especially with no other complications or labor signs.
I opted out of longer than hour trips around 34 weeks. I am not comfortable in the car and would especially not when I am having contractions.
It's up to you, you may want to make a last minute decision based on how you feel, you may be feeling up for it.
Well I am FTM, but as you can see, past 37 weeks and baby is actually scheduled to come next week (holy cow!) and I am pretty miserable. I had an easy pregnancy and I am very active, walking, swimming, etc. And I am miserable. Baby dropped over Memorial day and it is has been down hill from there. There is no way I could ride in a car for three hours. No way in h3ll. Sorry. It seems like everything I do is a chore, a serious chore, more than before. Her head is on my bladder (think of all the pee breaks you are going to have on the trip) and in my back. Plus, now that it is hot, I have gotten a little swelling in my legs. I have had hand swelling since about two months, but now it is unbearable. I don't drive some days becasue I don't have a good grip or feeling, and I can let go of the wheel uncontrolably.
Please don't think I am whining, just being honest. You asked. I have 8 more days...8 more days. Thank god.
I'd definitely consider staying home. For me, and several of my friends, longer car rides stir up contractions - especially since you'll be drinking a lot of water to keep hydrated and a full bladder in a bouncing car also causes BHs. I would not have done it with DS - I'm on bed rest until this Friday so no way am I leaving town this time, either!
Keep it open, if you like, and see how you feel. But really, I would err on the side of caution.