July 2011 Moms

Had a moment this morning...

Our neighbor had her baby girl today (Nora Elizabeth)! Today was her due date. Our neighbor on other side had a baby girl memorial weekend..(Teagan)

I kind of freaked out a little this morning because that means I am next!! as far as our neighbors to have baby!

 I woke up this morning and saw their car was gone and just had a feeling they were probably at hospital, then I checked FB and she said she was having baby today. Its just so exciting!! All 3 girls growing up together!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Had a moment this morning...

  • Aw how cool that the three girls will grow up together!
    image image
    D: Born 7.14.11
    Baby #2: BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
    O: Born 3.2.14 (med-free!)
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