I know cramping and bleeding are two signs. Is there anything else? I have had spotting since the beginning, but unfortunately the bleeding is more like a light period now where it was just the spotting before. I also had light cramps in the very beginning, which had subsided, but they have been back and a ltitle stronger all weekend. I plan to call my MW in the AM anwyays and am trying to mentally prepare myself for the worst, but I didn't know if there were any other signs I could be looking out for that people know from experience or from what their MW's or OB's have told them. Thanks ladies.
~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
Re: Anyone know the typical signs of a m/c?
Won't the OB on call just give the whole "Relax, try to rest, there really isn't anything you can do about it if it's going to happen" speech?
~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
I hope its nothing and you are just spotting - but here is a link off of the mc/pl board:
Missed m/c 10/25/10 @ 11.5 weeks
Depends, they should at least give you a u/s so you will know whether you are likely miscarrying or if you have SCH or some reason for the bleeding.
No...I made the mistake of waiting (well, I don't know if anything could have been done)...I started to spot on a Saturday and I was 10 weeks pregnant...it went away by Sunday...on Wednesday, I again started to spot a little bit more than the first ti,e. I was going to see my ob/gyn in a few hours, but when I called they asked me to come in sooner.
I was yelled at by the nurse that I should have called the first time it happened (she really didn't yell at me, but I can't think of another word). I didn't think too much of it...just for your own sake, call in or go to a hospital....
I did actually decide to call and just haerd from the OB on call who happens to be the one that did my c/s with my DS and my MW is on call at the hospital with her, so she's going to fill her in.
The OB said that if the cramping is painful and not just uncomfortable to come into the ER at any time, but that if it's not, I can wait and call my OB/MW first thing in the morning to make an appointment with them to do another blood draw to check my levels again, and another u/s. DH is at work right now and DS is sound asleep. No one knows we're pregnant except a couple of my friends who have sleeping infants of their own at this point in the night. Since I wouldn't really call the cramps painful, I'll wait until tomorrow morning. It's really the bleeding that's bothering me more, but she said even red bleeding that may require an occasional pantyliner (which is where I am at this point) can turn out to be from the cervix and not at all affect the pregnancy. And if it is bleeding from the start of a M/C then there would be nothing the hospital could do anyways. She said since I am going to stay home to just relax, no sex, and stay well hydrated (it may help the cramps if it turns out to be not m/c related). Call it a mother's intuition, but I don't have a good feeling about it all. At least for now I can try to just rest, go to bed early, and get to tomorrow sooner.
~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
personally speaking for me, the number one sign that i miscarried was that i woke up that morning feeling great! no bloating, no constipation... just felt good, like i wasnt even pregnant at all... by the end of that day i had a full on AF and the next morning i got my bw results showing beta dropped to 5. :-( good luck i hope this is not happening to you. but remember, even if it is, you will have another chance. i keep reminding myself that daily...
This. It was a few days after my first u/s and I suddenly felt normal. My symptoms did come back in the next few days, but not to the same extent. I didn't start bleeding or cramping until weeks later. I did have the weight loss symptom a few days before I started bleeding. I had also spotted brown off and on the entire pregnancy.
OP, I hope for the best result for you. ((((hugs))))
As for the ER comments, there's literally nothing they can do if you're going to lose the baby. If you're hemorrhaging, have an ectopic pregnancy, or have retained tissue, they can help you, but past that they really can't do anything. It seems it's often more stressful to go there than stress relieving.
For me, I had all of the symptoms you mentioned but I was also passing large clots (uterine/fetal tissue.) I also had intense back ache that required a heating pad and ibprofuren (after my m/c was confirmed through blood work- tylonel before.)
However, this pregnancy, I've had light bleeding, cramps and passed some tissue, but after bloodwork 3x last week, my numbers are doubling as expected in a typical pregnancy every 48 hours.
All that being said, some women just bleed. My doctor is planning to do an early u/s this week to determine that everything is ok and that my pregnancy is a viable uterine pregnancy.
My best advice- don't read into m/c symptoms too much- everyone has probably had a few of those symptoms with their viable pregnancies, so just call your doctor. At this point, they may do blood work, but I am guessing they'll probably have you come in for an ultrasound.
~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
In the end, everyone's experience is different....like you, I had a feeling that things weren't the same....my bleeding wasn't heavy at all, I didn't cramp and I felt fine. I just had a feeling that things changed....please let us know the outcome of your tests...hopefully, everything is okay!