Have had a headache for 3 days, trying not to take meds, but today I must give in. All i have is extra strength acetometiphin, is this ok and how much is safe to take?
On the approved list of medications my doctor gave me it says extra strength tylenol is ok. Things like aleve and asprin where the main ingredient is ibuprofen though, is not ok (unless prescribed by a doctor). Having said that I was nervous myself to take it to relieve the pain from my cysts and called my doctor. She said as long as I wasn't a habitual pill popper pre pregnancy, 2 extra strength tylenol should do the trick. Good luck, hope your headache goes away soon.
You can take 1-2 every 6 hours, not to exceed 8 in a 24 hour period. Acetaminophen is the only over the counter pain medication that is safe during pregnancy (no ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen). If the headache get really bad, you can take Excedrin Migraine (or generic version) which is acetaminophen and caffeine (make sure it is the one without aspirin). Hope your headache goes away!
#1 BPF 4/10/2011 Born 12/9/2011 #2 BFP 9/25/2014 EDD 6/10/2015
I was also told that Tylenol/acetominophen was the only pain reliever allowed. When I had a headache, I took 1 to see if it would help enough and it did. I also am trying to stay away from meds as much as possible.
Re: Acetometiphin (sp?) Question...
#2 BFP 9/25/2014 EDD 6/10/2015