July 2011 Moms

NBR: how tall are you? What about your DH/SO?

I was just wondering. Also if this is a 2+ baby for you and height runs is your family, are you seeing it in your LO? I am 6'1 and hubby is 5"11, and I roll from a tall family: dad is 6'9, brother is 6'4, mom is 5'8, sister is. 5'8... Kinda thinking I might have a tall son :)

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Re: NBR: how tall are you? What about your DH/SO?

  • I think that you might have a tall son! Yikes..all tallies! I am 5'4" and my DH is 5'7" but my son is taller for his age, not in the 90th% or anything but around the 75th. My mother is 5'2" and my father is 5'10" both of my sisters are tall...5'8" and 5'10". We have some height in our family but definitely not like ours. If your DS likes sports...watch out basketball! 
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  • I'm 5'6" and DH is 6'1". DD was 20" when she was born and has now been in the 95% for height for a long time. I'm the tallest woman in my family and even the men are not really tall. In DH's family, the men are mostly 6'+ and the women are around my height.
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  • I'm 5'7 and DH is 5'8. He's the tallest person in his family! My family is all pretty average, even though I'm on the taller side for a girl. We imagine our kids will probably be around 5'8 ish. Not any taller!

  • I'm 5'6" (average build) and DH is 5'10" (tall and thin). So far DD seems to be taking after DH. 

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  • ksulliksulli member
    I'm 5'6, DH is 6'3. He's the shortest man in his family, and I'm the same height as my mom, but taller than both my sisters. My MW told me this LO is a LONG baby a few appts back, DH said "good, we know it's my kid". Not that there was any question.
    *Married 10.10.08*
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  • I'm 5'5'' and DH is 6'7''....I have a feeling this little girl is going to take after DH. Our Dr. measured her legs on the ultrasound the other day and he said she is going to have really long legs. DH hopes that she'll play basketball. Haha.
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  • I think you will definitely have a tall son!  I am 5'6" and DH is 6'3", from what I've read I think our boy could be 6'.....of course, he could be much shorter or taller too.
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  • I am 5'3" and DH is 6'3". My dad is over 6', but besides that, everyone is short. In fact, I was taller than both my maternal grandparents. DH's family everyone is tall.

    DD is off the charts tall, as big as most 5 year olds. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have a tall little girl!

    I have a feeling this one may take after me, though her femurs are measuring ahead.

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  • I'm 6'1" and DH is 6'3"... everyone tells us we are having a toddler and she will just walk home!  Based on the fact that she has dropped and her tiny butt is still way high, she seems she might be long.  DH & I both were only 19" when we were born though.  We will know soon enough!
  • I'm 6'0" and DH is 5'10".  I know that these babies are going to be small when they are born, but I'm really curious to see how tall then end up!
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  • I'm 5'6" and DH is 6'1".
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  • I'm 5'3 and DH is 5'11
  • We are both 5'10". I can tell by where she kicks that LO is going to have long legs just like her mom!

  • I'm 5'8", MH is 6'1". DD was 20" at birth and in at least the 90th percentile from 3mo - 18mo. She's still tall but more like 60/70th percentile now. She's getting into 5T clothes now. My Mom was 5'3" and my Dad 5'11", my sister is 5'5". My inlaws are about 5'7" and 6', MH is an only.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • I am 5'8" and DH is 6'1".  Chances are if it's a boy the height will be pretty average.  I am average-to-tall for a girl, so I hope that's true for any girls we have too!  Short doesn't really run in either of our families.
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  • I'm 5'9- H is 6'4. H's side are all pretty tall 5'11+ (even the women) 

    I'm the tallest of my 2 sisters, but my parent's are pretty tall- mom is 5'9, dad is 6'2  So it's hard to say really, my sisters are 5'1 and 5'3. 

    I'm thinking LO is going to be very long, but- you never know! 

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  • I'm 5'9" and husband is 5'11".

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  • With the exception to one cousin on DH's side, no one is over 6' in his ENTIRE family.  I have 1 uncle that is 6'3, but same goes for my side.  I'm 5'1, DH is 5'10.  However, so far DD#1 has always been in the 75percentile for height.  So who knows, Mady she got some random recessive gene.

  • I'm 5' and DH is 6'2" ...I'm hoping this LO takes after DH!
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  • I'm 5'6 and DH is 6'1. I'm one of the tallest people in my family (I have an aunt who's 4'10, my mom is 5'1 and my dad is 5'7) and DH is one of the shortest in his family. His brother is 6'7 and his dad is 6'4. We're both curious to see how tall LO will be with our wide variety of height genes.
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  • I am 5'7 and DH is 6'7.  Our DD is pretty tall for her age even though she isnt huge.  All the men in DHs family arent under 6'2.  So I have a feeling DS will be really tall as well.  
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  • I don't know what the heck happened to me... I'm only 5'3" and my parents are 5'7" and 6'3" respectively. My husband is 5'7". Our son is in the 80th percentile for height so it always give my husband hope he got some of the height genes from my side of the fam (DS is a lefty, DH worked in pro baseball = dreams of a pitcher :)
  • I am almost 5"3 and my fiance and 6'4".  The ultrasounds always show a baby with long legs, so hopefully, she'll be taller than I am.
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  • I am 5'5" and DH is 5'10".   My brothers are 6'3" and 6'4" and his brother is 6'1", so we feel like the baby might grow to average size or he might be tall.  I am the shortest in my immediate family.
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  • Im 5'7 and my husband is 5'5. So hopefully she'll get my height. Crossing fingers here



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  • imagemelissa.1985:
    I'm 5'6" and DH is 6'1".

    Same here! With the exception of my 5'2" mom, everybody in both of our families is average to slightly above average in height, so I'd expect about the same in our kiddies.

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
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  • I'm 5'2" and DH is 5'6". We both come from short families... my mom is only 4'9", DH's mom is about 5'1" and his sister is 4'7". I'm thinking this LO is gonna be a little guy, which I'm ok with.
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  • I am 5'6" and DH is 5'11" - DS is tall for his age, he is a good half foot taller than kids his age and always wears larger sizes, he has since he was born, a big boy.

    This baby boy inside is shaping up to be just as big as his older brother. 

  • Me: 6ft

    DH: 6'4"


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  • Pooka8Pooka8 member
    I'm 5'8"  DH is 5'11".  My siblings and parents range 5'7 to 6'3.  His dad might be 6' but his mom and sister are barely 5'.  So our little girl could be anywhere in there.  She's our first, so who knows.

  • I am 4' 9 3/4" and DH is 6' 4".  Our daughter hovers at the first percentile for height so she definitely takes after me.  We're hoping this LO will be a bit taller since its a boy.  
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  • I read this interesting "calculator" in Pregnancy Fit magazine for figuring out approximately how tall your lLOs would be (boys and girls had different formulas) based on the parents height. I am 5'4" and DH is 6'3". I think our DD was supposed to be like 5'7" and DD would be 5"1' or so. Fun to guess!
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  • I'm 5'0, DH is 5'7".  Both very short.  Oddly enough DS is tall for his age.  I haven't measured him in a bit and I don't remember how tall he was at his last check up (I know bad mommy moment).  I do know he's taller than 3 of my friends kids that are at least 6 months older than he is.  Dunno where he gets that from at all. 
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