Just curious how your cravings have changed in these final weeks. (Pondering as it's 2:30 am and I'm up having cold cereal.)
Unfortunately veggies and salads are losing their appeal. I'm tired of eating the same healthy snacks and everytime I'm hungry I don't seem to have the energy or the desire to put together or eat something non-carb.
Thus, cold cereal, bagel thins with lunch meat - toasted, carby snacks, fruit, are becoming the norm. Even if I eat these things in moderation, all these carbs are not helping the last tri blahs!
Re: cravings in the third tri
This is exactly what is happening to me and happened with my first pregnancy! My cravings were mostly for fruit and protein in 1st and 2nd tri. Then in the 3rd tri, my appetite really slacks off and suddenly carbs seem like a GREAT idea.
This morning, I wanted bagels and muffins. Simultaneously. This would have grossed me out in 1st tri - sweets were a big aversion both times - but now it seems totally reasonable to to want sugar any way I can get it! See ya, healthy weight gain!
In fact, I'm trying to figure out the quickest, easiest way to get a big muffin this morning...