I am 7 weeks now and I started get morning sickness just at the end of my 5th week. It came on fast, and came on strong. I never actually get sick but I get naseau 24/7. The Dr put me on Zofran and it has definately helped me get through the day, minus the side effects, but eating is still a chore. I can never just eat whatever. It takes me forever to figure out what to eat and usually its not the healthiest and its usually ordering something from a restaurant. I haven't eaten out this much...ever. I know that I need to start minding my money because I want to be a stay at home mom, but I can't seem to help it. When I finally figure out something I want to eat, which is a hard task, I go for it. Did anyone else have a problem with trying to figure out what to eat?
Re: M/S is costing me a fortune!
I am the same exact way! This is my 2nd baby so I started getting sick at week 4. This is torture. I sit all day starving but the thought of anything makes me wanna gag. So I go practically the whole day eating nothing but crackers or toast and then I have my DH stop and get drive through for dinner. I can't cook, I don't want to even go in the kitchen. But I have to, my 15 month old has to eat!
I know how you feel. I am a sahm with my first and now pg with my second. The first time around I was working so whatever I thought I wanted to eat I would get. I was sick the entire 9 months with my dd. I knew that I needed to watch what I spended.
I was on Zofran the entire 9 months with dd. She is perfectly fine. I was nervous taking something almost everyday.
This time around I am just as sick. Actually I have been taking the last prescription that I had filled with her, the very last month of my pg.
That was a God sent, Zofran. Can you imagine how bad it would w/o it.
I don't know what I want to eat this time or last. Everytime I think I want something, I start eating it and think what was I thinking...this is NASTY.
Good lukc. The good news is that most woman get over this when the first tri is over.
I just hope that happens to me and it doens't last the entire 9 months.
Good luck
Its not that bad.....I am home with dd and have really bad m/s. I let her play on the floor with her toys...and I lay there and watch...or I put on Mickey (she LOVES him) and we watch it on the couch together.
A lot better than having a boss and work that NEEDS to get done.
I am so sorry! I am read that some women get it all 9 months. I pray it doesn't happen to me. I hope it stops for you this time. Zofran has helped tremendously. However it is giving me headaches and constipation. So I guess I have to take the bad with the good. Good luck to you and congrats!