Baby Names

When sibsets go bad - Jagger & Bowie

Yup, for real. A little girl named Jagger is coming to DD's school and her little sister, who is still in the womb, will be named Bowie. If my own DH hadn't been told this by the teacher today I wouldn't have believed it.
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Re: When sibsets go bad - Jagger & Bowie

  • Wow. I mean we had a Classic Rock themed wedding, but it stopped there.

    Poor kids. Maybe they think no one will make the connection.

    Let's hope the next one isn't Hendrix. 

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  • Oh I Like the name Jagger lol.. Might have to add that to my list.

     I'm a HUGE aerosmith fan and everyone expects me to name our child something related to that but i'm not.

    not even going to let DH win and put some star wars names in there lol.

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  • EXL311EXL311 member
    I was thinking that would be bad for boys but for girls it's just horrendous.  I believe Soleil Moonfrye named her second daughter Jagger Joseph Blue because she wanted a "unisex" name.  What is wrong with people?!
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  • I'm can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kind of digging Bowie.  For a boy, though.  As a nickname for . . . something.  But it's weirdly cute to me. 

    Jagger, on the other hand, is simply terrible. 

  • Yikes. I feel like there are much better ways to honor your rock heroes.
  • fraseyfrasey member

    Im a huge U2 fan, so Im going to name my twin girls Bono and The Edge.


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  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    : (
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
    pregnant and/or breastfeeding since 2009.

  • Blech. Those are dog names!
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  • imagehockeyfan42:
    Blech. Those are dog names!


    Funny you say that because the first thing I thought of was that the names were better suited for a pair of boxers.

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  • broomybroomy member

    I'm can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kind of digging Bowie.  For a boy, though.  As a nickname for . . . something.  But it's weirdly cute to me. 

    Jagger, on the other hand, is simply terrible. 

    This. I can't think of what Bowie would be a nickname for, though. :(  Maybe Beauregard? Is that even how you spell that name? LOL

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  • I like their style. 
    image image
  • Jagger: nah. Bowie, well, that's a bit cooler but I couldn't bring myself to do it. However. 

    A. for girls - not awesome.

    B. Uh, the rumored affair that Jagger and Bowie had? Creeeeeeeepy in a sibset!! That'd be like named your BG twins Kennedy and Marilyn. Yeesh. 

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  • Thats pure Craziness....
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