Cloth Diapering

Eco sprout and soft water and my enemy - Ammonia stink!

We have really soft water, and I started using Ecosprout - since it is supposed to be good for soft water - and at first my diapers were great - and now? 2 washes later ammonia is back - now my DD is 18 months old so I am not to worried about the overnight dipes stinking I just spray them out over the toilet before putting them in the pail (dry pail) but I just changed her from a diaper she had been in for 2 1/2 hours and it stunk - not like burn your nose hairs, but def. ammonia? Did I use too much detergent? not enough? is it just her pee?

 My wash routine is rinse all poopy and overnight diapers, runs through cold rinse, then hot rinse, then add 1 1/8 TBSP Eco sprout, then full wash, on hot w/ hot rinse, then hot rinse, the 2 cold rinses.

 Thanks for your help!

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