For DS1 and preg#2 (M/C) we told everyone immediately. We wanted the world to know that I was pregnant! I couldn't hold it in if I wanted to.
After M/C we were a bit hesitant to tell about DS2.
This pregnancy DH knows and a married couple friends of ours (because DH had told the guy that he thought I was pregnant so he wanted to tell them). But this time around we are waiting to tell for a while (maybe 10-12 weeks). Even our close family. I am actually really enjoying cherishing our little secret. I will be thrilled to tell when we decide to but for now it is a sweet treasure between DH and I (mostly
Funny how each pregnancy is different
Re: Enjoying our secret
Breast-feeding, co-sleeping, Christian SAHM and wife.
This is my first, and we told our families right away (at 4 weeks or so) and I told 2 of my friends, as well as my boss (I work for an independent business, so I feel they need to know as soon as I am comfortable saying) and 2 of my co-workers.
I'm a little nervous about this, since you never know, but I've naive since I haven't had any m/c yet, so I guess I figure I'll be ok?
Sometimes I regret telling people so soon, just in case something happens, but then again, I have a hard time keeping anything to myself...
Thanks!! Me too :P
I will say that when we did lose the baby we had a lot of support. Which was wonderful. Some people were a little awkward about it because they didn't know what to do. I think you should do what you want to and feels right
***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***