1st Trimester

Enjoying our secret

For DS1 and preg#2 (M/C) we told everyone immediately. We wanted the world to know that I was pregnant! I couldn't hold it in if I wanted to.

After M/C we were a bit hesitant to tell about DS2. 

This pregnancy DH knows and a married couple friends of ours (because DH had told the guy that he thought I was pregnant so he wanted to tell them). But this time around we are waiting to tell for a while (maybe 10-12 weeks). Even our close family.  I am actually really enjoying cherishing our little secret. I will be thrilled to tell when we decide to but for now it is a sweet treasure between DH and I (mostly :)

Funny how each pregnancy is different

Re: Enjoying our secret

  • Congrats! And PS I love your babies' names!
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    Breast-feeding, co-sleeping, Christian SAHM and wife.
  • This is my first, and we told our families right away (at 4 weeks or so) and I told 2 of my friends, as well as my boss (I work for an independent business, so I feel they need to know as soon as I am comfortable saying) and 2 of my co-workers.

    I'm a little nervous about this, since you never know, but I've naive since I haven't had any m/c yet, so I guess I figure I'll be ok?

    Sometimes I regret telling people so soon, just in case something happens, but then again, I have a hard time keeping anything to myself... 

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  • imagewhyhellopoppyseed:
    Congrats! And PS I love your babies' names!

    Thanks!! Me too :P 

  • imagepotbellypig:

    This is my first, and we told our families right away (at 4 weeks or so) and I told 2 of my friends, as well as my boss (I work for an independent business, so I feel they need to know as soon as I am comfortable saying) and 2 of my co-workers.

    I'm a little nervous about this, since you never know, but I've naive since I haven't had any m/c yet, so I guess I figure I'll be ok?

    Sometimes I regret telling people so soon, just in case something happens, but then again, I have a hard time keeping anything to myself... 

    I will say that when we did lose the baby we had a lot of support. Which was wonderful. Some people were a little awkward about it because they didn't know what to do. I think you should do what you want to and feels right :) GL

  • I was just saying something similar to DH tonight. Last time I could not keep the secret in. This time I am enjoying just having this between DH and me.
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  • We are doing the same.  It's a lot of fun!  I'm hoping to make it to 16 weeks - my dad's b day.  My sister knows, but if my mom asks we are both going to convince her I'm just getting fat.

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  • I really wanted to wait until at least my first appt to tell ANYONE.  But now DH is asking if we can tell MIL and SIL this weekend when we visit.  I'm a little nervous about that since I'll only be 6 weeks on Sunday, but I guess in the end if something did happen they would be a wonderful support system.  So, we may spill the beans just to them this weekend but as far as anyone else (including my own family) we will wait until at least our 10-12 week visit.  This is our first so of course we're having a heard time keeping it a secret!
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  • congrats!!!
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