1st Trimester

Did you????

Did you use a fertility monitor at all?

If so, for how long before you got your BFP?


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Re: Did you????

  • We didn't use the monitor but the sticks to predict when you O. We used it and the first month we got pg. (that was with dd)

    This time we didn't use it and the first month we tried it happened.

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  • I used the CBEFM with both boys, but not this one.  I think with both kids I got a BFP at 16dpo (with BFNs before that), but that doesn't have to do with the monitor... it just depends on your hcg level.

    ETA: duh....  I totally misunderstood your question, huh?  lol  I think it was 2 cycles with both?  Or maybe the first cycle for DS2.

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • First time we did the OPK and it took 2 months.

    This time was an oops but we were going to start in a month or two.

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  • I used the Clear Blue Easy fertility monitor and loved it; however, I did not use it the month we got pregnant. We were actually on a break and were getting ready for an IUI cycle. Then when AF did not come, I looked at my chart and realized I was 4 days late. I POAS and got my BFP. So it was a complete surprise.

    When I did use it, I felt it was pretty accurate and useful especailly at my OB/RE visits.



    ** Our TTC Journey Blog **

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    TTC for over 3 years. After several infertility treatments, we received our first BFP!! :)

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  • I used the first response ovulation test sticks and I got pregnant the second month that we tried.
  • kaay16kaay16 member
    It took us 10+ months (of charting and temping) with our daughter.  This time around I wasn't dealing with that stress....I used the clear blue easy fertility monitor and bought a bunch of internet cheapies to be prepared for a long road.  1st month trying and using the monitor, BFP! haha Go figure!
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  • Thanks for all the info ladies! A friend just gave me a CBEFM and 60 test sticks. Let's hope they work!
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