I don't know if its taboo to post the same question in more that one forum, but I did....hoping you ladies can help!!!
I am 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant and my cramping has gotten a bit
worse today. Is it normal to experience more cramping as you get into
the pregnancy? I was hoping that as I moved past the time that I would
normally have AF, the cramping might subside. I am nervous
Also, is it better to have cramping on one side in early pregnancy, or to be experiencing cramps, pokes, and pulls all over the uterus area?
Thanks so much for your words and support
Re: Cramping Getting Worse???
cramping will continue throughout your pregnancy. What you're feeling is your uterus expanding and stretching (and the muscles and tissues and other organs adjusting too) It feels scary but it is normal.
If you start bleeding or spotting (particularly red blood) call your OB right away. It might NOT be a miscarriage (lots of things cause spotting and bleeding) but call to be on the safe side.
If your pain is focused on one side and is very painful get in to see your OB to rule out ectopic pregnancy. The earlier you go the more likely you are to save the tube. Don't panic. Pain can be caused by other things too like a harmless cyst on your ovary. The only way to know is to go!
But yes, regular run of the mill cramping without bleeding is totally and completely normal.
I had quite a bit of cramping before - now, at 10 weeks it has really slowed down and I barely notice it.
Wee#3 - Miscarried 11/2015
Rainbow Wiggles Due 06/29/2017
For about 2 weeks after we found out I was cramping SO bad. I mean, wake up in the middle of the night crying/stop what I'm doing and curl up on the couch kind of cramping. Everything has been totally normal with my pregnancy so far and the cramping has decreased a lot in the past week. I'm 7 weeks now and hardly have any. Give it some time, it'll get better. In the mean time do not worry! Worry is not good for your little one
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14