Anyone bought a doppler? Thoughts on brands? Do you think they are a good idea?
Chemical Pregnancy 2001, Married 8/8/09, TTC April 2011, BFP 5/8/11, Missed M/C @ 9wk5d, D&C 6/21/11 BFP 11/13/11 Chase Everett born at 29wks 0 days on 5/7/12 at 2 lbs 14 oz, 14 1/2 inches long.
Re: Dopplers
I bought this one from Amazon in 2007 when I was pg with DS1. I feel like it was cheaper then but I'm not sure. Either way, it was so worth the investment. It gave me so much piece of mind through both pregnancies and was a fun way to bond with the baby. With both boys I found the hb at 10wks and we used it nearly every day until I could feel the baby. After that, it was just for fun every once in a while. I've even leant it out to friends in between my pregnancies.
Haven't tried it yet since I don't know how far along I am.
IMO, if you're planning to have more than one child - go for it! That was my thinking when we bought it... sure it's expensive but we'll have it for all of our kids.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
I am taking your word for it and giving this one a try. I can't wait. Thanks for the info! I would gladly pay $55 for piece of mind to hear my lO heart beat.
Awesome! PM me when you get it and let me know what you think. You won't be disappointed!
Great! Thanks for the tips! I think I'll start looking!
I have the Sonoline B that I used with my DS, it worked great and I was able to hear this baby at 9 weeks. I don't foresee myself using it this time around- it's for sale on swap spot if anyone is interested.
It's definitely nice for the piece of mind
I bought my Sonoline B this week and it came 2 days ago. I'm 11 weeks today and I heard the heartbeat! It took almost 15 minutes to find it the first time and you have to be careful that you don't mistake YOUR heartbeat for your baby's, but every since then I can find it within a minute or two. And like JKB1986 I found mine on my hairline in the center too.
The piece of mind I have now is priceless!
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